I wasn't sure where to post this or if it would be allowed here, But I just thought this song written about the shooting from Eric's (I think) perspective is actually quite sad and sorta beautiful. She has a very nice voice. I was curious if anyone else has heard it or their thoughts on it. It's called lividity - nicole Dollanganger (would post link but i'm a new member.)
I don't often talk about my opinion of the two shooters because people don't like my opinion much. While I don't condone their actions in anyway, I can't help but feel so terrible for them, along with the others they hurt that day. I don't know why I feel so terrible for them (The shooters). I always feel like I shouldn't. But how do you guys feel? How many other people actually feel so sad that nothing was done to stop everything, just because everyone could've been ok that day. I mean, I know most people only feel bad for the 13 and others shot by them that day. Is it wrong I feel bad for them too?