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 When were parents warned?

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PostSubject: When were parents warned?   When were parents warned? Icon_minitimeFri May 24, 2019 11:52 pm

Does anyone know when the school announced publicly through the media to go to the elementary school or library? I’m trying to line up when parents were warned and when E&D was named as the shooters. I figured the media timeline would show it and maybe someone here knows some of that info.
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When were parents warned? Empty
PostSubject: Re: When were parents warned?   When were parents warned? Icon_minitimeSat May 25, 2019 5:12 pm

12:25 PM
Dispatch advises that parents are to go to Leawood Elementary School. Law enforcement and victim advocates will assist in coordinating the reunion of parents and children at the elementary school.

12:28 PM
Aided by the local news stations, the Jefferson County School District announces a parent hotline number for parents of Columbine students.  

12:30 PM
The Jefferson County SORT team (Special Operations Response Team) is paged. The SORT team, which deals primarily with jail disturbances and crowd control, will respond to Leawood Elementary School where students are being evacuated, and parents and media will soon be collecting.

The Columbine students who had escaped the school on the east side were taken through the backyard of a residence across the street and to a driveway where school buses were waiting to transport them to Leawood Elementary School.
The Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office SORT team placed a deputy on each bus to provide security for the students’ short trip to the school.

The buses dropped the students at the gymnasium entrance adjacent to the faculty parking lot on the east side.  
Students were brought in through the gym, across the stage and into the back band room where they were identified and quickly interviewed for any information they could provide about the incident.  
Denver Police Department's homicide unit and a Jefferson County Sheriff's investigator conducted most of the interviews inside the elementary school.

A list of the students who had been evacuated to Leawood was being put together by the Denver Police Department, the victim advocates and the school staff.  
School personnel created a spreadsheet with the names and printed an updated version every 15 minutes.  
The list was posted on the door for anxious parents collecting at the school.  
As information became available, another list provided names of students confirmed as being at the Columbine Public Library.

Leawood’s gymnasium served as the assembling area for parents of children who were verified as having been evacuated to Leawood.  
Parents waited in the gym while authorities interviewed their student.
SORT helped to direct those parents waiting to be reunited with their child.  
They also assisted in keeping the media out of the school building at the request of the school administration.

As the afternoon wore on and no more buses were arriving with evacuated students, the gym became a collecting point for the parents with a child still missing.  
SORT continued to maintain the perimeter security while victim advocates stayed with the families and Red Cross provided food and drinks.
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When were parents warned? Empty
PostSubject: Re: When were parents warned?   When were parents warned? Icon_minitimeSat May 25, 2019 5:29 pm

Amazing list! Thank you so much!!
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PostSubject: Re: When were parents warned?   When were parents warned? Icon_minitime

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