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 Did Eric or Dylan Have Any Thoughts On Nirvana/Kurt Cobain?

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PostSubject: Did Eric or Dylan Have Any Thoughts On Nirvana/Kurt Cobain?   Did Eric or Dylan Have Any Thoughts On Nirvana/Kurt Cobain? Icon_minitimeMon Aug 19, 2019 4:53 pm

Did Eric or Dylan like Nirvana? did they not like them? Nirvana was a pretty big thing in the 90s so I wonder if there are any accounts of the 2 mentioning Nirvana?
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PostSubject: Re: Did Eric or Dylan Have Any Thoughts On Nirvana/Kurt Cobain?   Did Eric or Dylan Have Any Thoughts On Nirvana/Kurt Cobain? Icon_minitimeMon Aug 19, 2019 5:32 pm

Always wondered about the "God is gay" comment coming from Stay Away. Did anybody mention that other than Evan Todd?
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Did Eric or Dylan Have Any Thoughts On Nirvana/Kurt Cobain? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did Eric or Dylan Have Any Thoughts On Nirvana/Kurt Cobain?   Did Eric or Dylan Have Any Thoughts On Nirvana/Kurt Cobain? Icon_minitimeMon Aug 19, 2019 5:51 pm

They seemed more on the industrial/metal/techno side of things, so I don't know whether they enjoyed Nirvana musically. They definitely were in their contrarian phase too, and by then, Nirvana and grunge were fully co-opted, sold to pieces and discredited as far as underground credibility goes. Most of the post-grunge bands were just...

But I'm sure they must have felt at least some kind of sympathy toward Kurt's obsession with guns. And maybe toward his nihilism too? I mean, Cobain actually went there and did it and decided it was now time for a coffin. Surely it must have appealed to them a bit at least?

For whatever reason, I see Dylan as more likely of the two to actually dig Nirvana, as he was probably more depressed.
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Did Eric or Dylan Have Any Thoughts On Nirvana/Kurt Cobain? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did Eric or Dylan Have Any Thoughts On Nirvana/Kurt Cobain?   Did Eric or Dylan Have Any Thoughts On Nirvana/Kurt Cobain? Icon_minitimeMon Aug 19, 2019 7:25 pm

patogen wrote:
They seemed more on the industrial/metal/techno side of things, so I don't know whether they enjoyed Nirvana musically. They definitely were in their contrarian phase too, and by then, Nirvana and grunge were fully co-opted, sold to pieces and discredited as far as underground credibility goes. Most of the post-grunge bands were just...

But I'm sure they must have felt at least some kind of sympathy toward Kurt's obsession with guns. And maybe toward his nihilism too? I mean, Cobain actually went there and did it and decided it was now time for a coffin. Surely it must have appealed to them a bit at least?

For whatever reason, I see Dylan as more likely of the two to actually dig Nirvana, as he was probably more depressed.  

Same, I think Dylan would have been the one to like them.

"And you know, you know, you know, this can be beautiful, you say you're numb inside, but I can't agree. So the world's unfair, keep it locked out there. In here it's beautiful."
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Did Eric or Dylan Have Any Thoughts On Nirvana/Kurt Cobain? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did Eric or Dylan Have Any Thoughts On Nirvana/Kurt Cobain?   Did Eric or Dylan Have Any Thoughts On Nirvana/Kurt Cobain? Icon_minitimeMon Aug 19, 2019 9:16 pm

Dylan liked Alice In Chains and Smashing Pumpkins so yeah its not much of a reach to think he may have liked Nirvana aswell.

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Did Eric or Dylan Have Any Thoughts On Nirvana/Kurt Cobain? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did Eric or Dylan Have Any Thoughts On Nirvana/Kurt Cobain?   Did Eric or Dylan Have Any Thoughts On Nirvana/Kurt Cobain? Icon_minitimeMon Aug 19, 2019 9:38 pm

W.A.R. wrote:
Dylan liked Alice In Chains and Smashing Pumpkins so yeah its not much of a reach to think he may have liked Nirvana aswell.
This was my thought as well. I think if either of them liked Nirvana/Kurt Cobain it was probably Dylan. Nirvana is definitely one of my favorite bands. Kurt Cobain, one of my favorite musicians. Right up there with Freddie and Michael Stipe. I cannot stand Billy Corgan. He pisses me off, lol, but at the same time, Smashing Pumpkins has so many good songs that I can't help but love.

"Mellon Collie" is probably one of my top 10 favorite albums. I still listen to it on a regular basis.

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PostSubject: Re: Did Eric or Dylan Have Any Thoughts On Nirvana/Kurt Cobain?   Did Eric or Dylan Have Any Thoughts On Nirvana/Kurt Cobain? Icon_minitimeThu Aug 29, 2019 4:56 pm

If there's any connection to be made between Nirvana and Columbine--aside from, y'know, "lol 90s"--it'd have to be the fact that Eric and Dylan literally never made it out of high school, while Kurt Cobain, in many ways, *figuratively* never made it out of high school, always maintaining one foot stuck there mentally.

Kurt Cobain's adolescence was pretty much torture IMO, far worse than Eric and Dylan. Cobain grew up poor and a product of divorce (back in the 70s, when divorce didn't happen all the time) and lived in Aberdeen, Washington. No account of the Nirvana story that I've ever watched in documentaries or read in books or magazine or online articles has EVER portrayed Aberdeen, WA as anything other than a redneck logging-town shithole, or Cobain's adolescence there as being anything other than a pathetic mash-up of drug abuse, embarrassing sexual experiences, and kids beating Cobain up (Cobain was a scrawny drug user.)

I love Nirvana and think Cobain had a songwriting gift and did great things for rock music, and I love his respect for the obscure little bands that inspired him and his promotions of the 80s underground scene so that the rest of us could find out about that....but Cobain, the actual human being, wasn't a terribly cool person beyond that--a depressed drug addict who left his little girl behind forever with his awful suicide, and who would have been a janitor living off of girlfriends his entire life if he hadn't had his songwriting talent. Go watch the documentary "Montage Of Heck" where you get to see hideous footage of he and Courtney Love cutting their baby girl's hair while both are obviously whacked out on dope. Really it kind of made me want to slap him. Kurt was an eternal teenager and I'm 36 and now consider it something of a poor idea to idolize him beyond the positive qualities I've enumerated here. God knows what he'd been like if he'd gotten away from heroin, just like we'll never know what Eric and Dylan would have been like as adults, their souls frozen forever at 18 and 17, dead in the school they sadly immortalized.
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Did Eric or Dylan Have Any Thoughts On Nirvana/Kurt Cobain? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did Eric or Dylan Have Any Thoughts On Nirvana/Kurt Cobain?   Did Eric or Dylan Have Any Thoughts On Nirvana/Kurt Cobain? Icon_minitimeSat Aug 31, 2019 6:14 am

The most offensive crimes of the 20th century are the holocaust and grunge music.

Minivans are not that much smaller than regular vans and I'll go to the f**king grave before I call them mini again.
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Did Eric or Dylan Have Any Thoughts On Nirvana/Kurt Cobain? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did Eric or Dylan Have Any Thoughts On Nirvana/Kurt Cobain?   Did Eric or Dylan Have Any Thoughts On Nirvana/Kurt Cobain? Icon_minitimeSun Sep 01, 2019 8:53 pm

HanShotFirst wrote:
The most offensive crimes of the 20th century are the holocaust and grunge music.

Those are fighting words complaint
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Did Eric or Dylan Have Any Thoughts On Nirvana/Kurt Cobain? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did Eric or Dylan Have Any Thoughts On Nirvana/Kurt Cobain?   Did Eric or Dylan Have Any Thoughts On Nirvana/Kurt Cobain? Icon_minitimeSun Feb 02, 2020 1:44 am

W.A.R. wrote:
Dylan liked Alice In Chains and Smashing Pumpkins so yeah its not much of a reach to think he may have liked Nirvana aswell.

Do you have a source for this?, I know he liked Smashing Pumpkins but never AIC
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Did Eric or Dylan Have Any Thoughts On Nirvana/Kurt Cobain? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did Eric or Dylan Have Any Thoughts On Nirvana/Kurt Cobain?   Did Eric or Dylan Have Any Thoughts On Nirvana/Kurt Cobain? Icon_minitimeSun Feb 02, 2020 8:47 am

Dylan wrote I Stay Away on his plans for his webpage under the “OTHer KooL MUS” section 026372
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