Most likely, at the very minimum, Sue Klebold has a copy, and, at one time (if not currently), copies were also in the hands of attorneys for the Harrises and Klebolds, attorneys for families of the survivors and victims, and attorneys for the Jefferson County Schools.
Do not discount the strong possibility of 'unauthorized' copying from within the JeffCo Sheriff, and also by the first responder agencies and/or law enforcement outside of the department, with whom it was shared at one point or another 1999-2001.
Randy Brown, Brian Rohrborough, Darrell Scott, Michael Shoals, may also possess at least an audio recording of those portions shown privately or to the press (which is likely most, but not all of the footage). Denver area news broadcasters and journalists may have also made unauthorized audio recordings that are or were in their personal possession, or perhaps now forgotten in their organization's archives/vault.
All traces of the tapes certainly haven't been eliminated.