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 Alternate scenario. Murder/Suicide.

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Alternate scenario. Murder/Suicide. Empty
PostSubject: Alternate scenario. Murder/Suicide.   Alternate scenario. Murder/Suicide. Icon_minitimeSun Jan 12, 2014 4:46 pm

As we all know ,regarding the murder of Cassie Bernall , Eric approached the table Cassie was hiding under , slapped the table twice ( using his left hand ) and shot her in the head ( firing with his right hand)
As Eric pulled the trigger he kept his left hand flat on the table top ,and he could not handle the recoil from the shotgun , so the shotgun slammed onto his face and broke his nose. Eric was dazed and a little off balance ( naturally )

Just say Eric's face was an inch or two to the left or right during his injury. Just say Eric ( this could have easily happened ,Eric was lucky ) had been knocked out. Knocked out cold and unconscious. 
Eric's flat on his back , his nose is bleeding badly and his blood is streaming from his nasal passage ,streaming down his windpipe. He begins to aspirate his own blood ( as Dylan did )

What would Dylan do? The cops are building in numbers ,SWAT are gearing up and Dylan is Alone.
I can imagine Dylan shaking Eric and slapping Eric's face ,attempting to " bring him round."
Time is literally of the essence. There is NO time. 

Would Dylan shoot Eric ? Shoot Eric to ensure he doesn't survive?
Or , would Dylan do nothing for Eric? 
Did Dylan actually care about Eric? 
About the kids outside and inside the school ' V didn't a fuck about them.

" I hate them ni**ers , tell me is that ni**er dead ! Yeah sure i'll help you BANG!!!
Fat piece of shit ! Can i borrow your left glove please ? WOO HOO YEAH!! DIE!! GOD IS GAY!!"

The " Eric knocked out cold " scenario didn't happen ,it could have though.
Dylan is on his knees trying to wake Eric ,several of the kids witness it and see Dylan unarmed and vulnerable.
A fast and sneaky kid slips out from underneath a table ,silently approaches Dylan and quickly breaks a chair over Dylan's head. Eric and Dylan are laying side by side, bloody and messed up ,but Alive!

Did V care about Reb? 
Did Dylan love Eric ? ( not in a gay way ) 

So , Eric is knocked out cold and is obviously unable to commit suicide. 
This is where the murder / suicide comes in. 
What do you reckon?
V puts a bullet into Eric's brain and then kills himself?

I don't think Dylan would leave Eric to face " the music ."
Or would V kill himself and leave Eric choking on his own blood , and leave knowing that Eric may survive and be arrested and locked up for life?
Almost 15 years since NBK.

If i had to guess what Reb's and V's last words were ,i would say....."FUCK EM...."
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Alternate scenario. Murder/Suicide. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alternate scenario. Murder/Suicide.   Alternate scenario. Murder/Suicide. Icon_minitimeMon Jan 13, 2014 5:06 pm

He would get Darwin Award, I bet.
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Alternate scenario. Murder/Suicide. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alternate scenario. Murder/Suicide.   Alternate scenario. Murder/Suicide. Icon_minitimeMon Jan 13, 2014 5:46 pm

I think Dylan most likely would kill Eric and commit suicide shortly afterwards. Maybe killing/injuring some other students between these two actions.
Its nothing more than speculation, of course.
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Alternate scenario. Murder/Suicide. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alternate scenario. Murder/Suicide.   Alternate scenario. Murder/Suicide. Icon_minitime

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