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  Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills.

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PostSubject: Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills.    Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills. Icon_minitime13/01/14, 09:49 pm

I thought it might be interesting to do an analysis of " Rampart Range."

I find it interesting to see Eric and Dylan using their firearms.
I have been working on this for 2 weeks.
We can see E/D interacting with each other regarding their firearms.
We can see E/D shooting their firearms.



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        A selection of stills from the movie. I will cover the whole movie form start to finish.

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PostSubject: Re: Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills.    Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills. Icon_minitime13/01/14, 11:59 pm

Dylan opens the movie. He is practicing with his sawed off shotgun. He is aiming at a bowling pin (BP)

He fires 1 round and Eric says : " A little low."

DK fires 1 more round.
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                                  The camera is stopped and restarted at 00:11.
            Eric approaches the camera casually resting his shotgun on his right shoulder.
                                     Eric is wearing his reflective sun glasses.
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00:15 DK : Woo Hoo! ( sounding very high pitched ) He has hit the BP and goes to retrieve it.

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(00:19) PD ( filming ) : Asks DK : " What did it do " ( referring to the BP damage )

DK : " ( Laughs ) look at the top of the thing !"

DK brings the BP closer to the camera.

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DK : " Lead pellets all around ! "

EH : " A little lead for everyone ! "

(00:30) Eric wants to shoot at a tree.

EH : " Alright , i want to take out the tree."

EH shoots at the tree twice. ( Notice the muzzle flash.)

[ Joshua Lapp was in the library during the massacre. He survived uninjured.] 
" Josh could see the library door very well and saw a gunshot / blast in the hallway. Josh is a hunter and thought the flash was from a very powerful round , as he could see the flash in the daylight."]

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(00:57) DK is loading his SG and EH says to DK :

EH : " Try to hit the tree , i want to see what a slug does to the tree."

DK : " Yeah , scoot back some."

DK : " Ready ?" [ PD is filming ]

PD : " Yeah."

DK fires at the tree.

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DK / EH Are surprised and excited upon seeing the damage caused by DK's Shotgun.

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(01:18) DK : " That's a fucking slug!" [ Notice DK's high pitched voice of excitement.]

EH : " Imagine that in someones fucking brain!"

DK : " It hurt my wrist like a S.O.B."

EH : " I bet so."

EH : " See if we can..."

DK : " Look at that!"

EH : " ....Dig it out of there."

DK : " I have blood now!" [ Referring to cuts on his hand caused by the sharp edges on his sawed off SG. ]

PD : " Huh?"

DK : " I have...." [ Camera turned off ]

EH tries to dig out the slug using a knife.

DK : " Its embedded."

EH : " That thing isn't coming out."

I find that scene quite disturbing. Dylan's voice is very high pitched. When Dylan get mad he growls and roars.
Upon seeing a slug HE has fired , we get to see a different side of his personality. He is AMAZED by the damage that HE has done to the tree. His voice goes up in pitch and its Very high. We can see the destructive nature in Dylan.

In later scenes , Dylan isn't satisfied by simply looking at the damage the gun causes , he has touch the damage ,feel it with his fingers and fiddle with pieces of battered wood. He appears , ( to me ) like a child with a new toy. 
The firearms are so sweet and so Powerful. One pull on Dylan's trigger can kill anyone instantly.

Dylan felt the AWESOME power of the firearms. It shocked Dylan. It blew him away. It mesmerized him.

Eric reacted differently. He wasn't as excited as Dylan. We got a good glimpse into Eric's violent mindset.
Upon seeing the tree , his mind instantly turned the scene around and beyond what we have seen.
Just a tree with a slug embedded inside it. Eric has to twist his own eyes , he sees what we see , but that is not what he wants to see. He sees a skull , a living skull , and now the brain is shot full of pellets. Like Dylan , Eric has the power to destroy life.

 The firearms at Rampart Range gave Eric's fantasies a more solid foundation. 

Eric's fantasies go up a BIG notch in the realms of unreality. When Eric became a gun owner , his fantasies go up a MASSIVE notch in the realms of reality. If you fantasize about shooting people , but you do not own any firearms , so what ? It's just a fantasy , and only exists in the mind of a sick S.O.B.

 Put a gun in his hand , well your pretty much fucked. When Eric became armed ,same thing ,your fucked.

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Last edited by rik75 on 15/01/14, 07:05 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : update)

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PostSubject: Re: Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills.    Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills. Icon_minitime14/01/14, 12:58 am

Great idea. I'd been thinking about doing something similar with this vid.
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PostSubject: Re: Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills.    Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills. Icon_minitime14/01/14, 02:59 am

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00:57 DK is loading his SG and EH says to DK :

EH : " Try to hit the tree , i want to see what a slug does to the tree."

DK : " Yeah , scoot back some."

DK : " Ready ?" [ PD is filming ]

PD : " Yeah."

DK fires at the tree.

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DK / EH Are surprised and excited upon seeing the damage caused by DK's Shotgun.

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01:18 DK : " That's a fucking slug!" [ Notice DK's high pitch voice of excitement.]

EH : " Imagine that in someones fucking brain!"

DK : " It hurt my wrist like a S.O.B."

EH : " I bet so."

EH : " See if we can..."

DK : " Look at that!"

EH : " ....Dig it out of there."

DK : " I have blood now!" [ Referring to cuts on his hand caused by the sharp edges on his sawed off SG. ]

PD : " Huh?"

DK : " I have...." [ Camera turned off ]

EH tries to dig out the slug using a knife.

DK : " Its embedded."

EH : " That thing isn't coming out."

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This part is so bizarre for me and what I look more in this video, Eric's comment: " Imagine that in someones fucking brain!", make me think a lot of things and here and in the whole video their exciment could be the same excitement that the witnesses and survivors of the shooting claimed to see and heard in them on april 20, so in this one and in HFH we really can see how they possibly acted that day and is really shooking, even scary and sometimes sad when you know that all these are warning signs and everyone around them ignored it.

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PostSubject: Re: Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills.    Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills. Icon_minitime14/01/14, 07:43 am

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(0:35) We DK Firing his (For the first time on film) Tec 9

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PostSubject: Re: Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills.    Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills. Icon_minitime14/01/14, 08:24 am

(01:40) DK Walks away and says : " I'll see if i can find a BP."

(01:43) EH : " Get that one between the trees ."

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(01:46) DK Fires at a BP wedged in between two trees. He fires 6 shots and misses.

DK takes a few steps forward and rapidly fires 10 rounds. With his 3rd shot , DK knocks the BP off the free.

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                                 EH is squatting as he shoots using his carbine.
                        I can imagine Eric in this position , shooting at Neil Gardener .

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PostSubject: Re: Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills.    Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills. Icon_minitime14/01/14, 10:33 pm

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(02:12) Mark Manes produces his new rifle. ( Any ideas what it is ? )

PD : " That's the stuff man Woo Hoo!"

DK : " Party time !"

MM : " This is going to be a lot loader than the rest of you !"

DK : " Yeah no shit."

MM : " Oh god , this is going to be fucking awesome!"

(2:29) MM fires 1 shot.

DK : " Awww!"

JM : " Holy shit !"

MM fires a second shot and Eric says :

EH : " Use the irons."

MM : " You guys , see what i'm hitting at all?"

PD : " No."

EH : " Yes , behind the tree."

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                             Mark fires 2 two shots , followed by ten shots rapid fire.

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                    (02:49) Eric is screwing a noise suppressor onto Dylan's TEC 9.

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Mark says to Eric :

MM : " Yeah , its my ghetto gun."

MM : " That was my ghetto gun." ( Mark and Jessica both laugh.)

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                       (03:03) Eric fires one shot and turns to the camera smiling.
                      Eric appears to be impressed with the TEC 9 , and opens it up.

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                                       Eric fires 11 shots , a burst of rapid fire.

Last edited by rik75 on 15/01/14, 07:25 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : update)
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PostSubject: Re: Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills.    Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills. Icon_minitime14/01/14, 11:42 pm

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                        (03:11) Jessica is ready to take a few shots with Marks rifle.
                                 She appears to be inexperienced with firearms.
                                         Mark gives her some advice :

MM : " Yeah wait , you really got to get into the bottom of this little trigger."

JM : " This finger ?"

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                                                    Jessica fires 2 rounds.
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PostSubject: Re: Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills.    Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills. Icon_minitime15/01/14, 12:28 am

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(03:21) Eric starts messing around ,ducking quickly and raising his arms. He appears to be attempting to distract Jessica.

I am not sure what to make of it. Jessica is clearly inexperienced with firearms , and we see Eric messing around on purpose. Was Eric merely playing around for the camera ? Just goofing around ?

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I find it quite a dangerous way to act , especially when an inexperienced shooter is being fooled around with.

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I wonder what Eric was playing at ? Why attempt to distract Jessica ? Eric didn't fool around when others were shooting. Some inexperienced shooters would have turned around to face Eric , with the gun facing Eric too.
It makes me wonder ( even more ) about Eric and how his complex mind worked , especially concerning firearms and violence , and his own mortality.
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PostSubject: Re: Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills.    Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills. Icon_minitime15/01/14, 01:17 am

rik75 wrote:
I am not sure what to make of it. Jessica is clearly inexperienced with firearms , and we see Eric messing around on purpose. Was Eric merely playing around for the camera ? Just goofing around ?

Wasn't he trying to 'catch shells' or whatever it was that he said during that scene? I haven't watched this one as much as I have the others, so I could be wrong -- I think he was goofballing, mostly out of boredom, and I think the thought of it being a distracting issue for Jessica had not even crossed his mind. He has more of those tiny moments in the videos where he spaces out on whatever is going on and is in his own little universe doing his thing. Plus, it's not the first time one of the boys wasn't cautious around the firearms -- Dyl has a moment during Rampart Range where he points his gun at himself while loading it, and there is an incident on the basement tapes where he pointed his loaded gun directly at Eric by accident. I think they were very careless about their own safety during their handling of some of their weaponry.
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PostSubject: Re: Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills.    Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills. Icon_minitime15/01/14, 01:21 am

rik75 wrote:
Eric starts messing around ,ducking quickly and raising his arms. He appears to be attempting to distract Jessica.

I am not sure what to make of it. Jessica is clearly inexperienced with firearms , and we see Eric messing around on purpose. Was Eric merely playing around for the camera ? Just goofing around ?

Eric was catching shell-casings. He looks like he was trying to show off a little for Jessica's benefit. When she asks where the rounds are hitting Eric says he didn't see because he was "catching shells."
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PostSubject: Re: Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills.    Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills. Icon_minitime15/01/14, 02:56 am

Interesting also is the fact that during the scene when Eric is catching shells he seems like he wants Jessica to notice. I think he was attracted to her, especially once she had a loaded rifle in hand and started to open fire. You can see in a most obvious way, how closely Eric associated gun-violence and eroticism. He's trying to act manly and experienced by catching shells, but if you look closely his eyes are on Jessica the entire time.

On a related note, in the upcoming scene when Manes is firing "Arlene" watch how Eric looks exactly like a jealous boyfriend watching his girl dance with another dude. Note how he tries to take "Arlene" back from Manes after Manes takes his first shot. Then when Manes is showing off by pumping the shotgun w/ one-hand Eric goes along with the joke but is visibly annoyed.
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PostSubject: Re: Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills.    Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills. Icon_minitime15/01/14, 06:03 am

Thank's for correcting me. I thought Eric was messing around and attempting to distract Jessica ( in a reckless manner ) Catching " hot " shells is kind of dangerous ? Don't you think? 
Unless you don't mind getting your fingers burnt.
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PostSubject: Re: Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills.    Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills. Icon_minitime15/01/14, 06:05 am

rik75 wrote:
Thank's for correcting me. I thought Eric was messing around and attempting to distract Jessica ( in a reckless manner ) Catching " hot " shells is kind of dangerous ? Don't you think? 
Unless you don't mind getting your fingers burnt.

There's a lot of testosterone flying under the surface in this vid.
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PostSubject: Re: Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills.    Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills. Icon_minitime15/01/14, 07:38 am

gustopoet wrote:
rik75 wrote:
Thank's for correcting me. I thought Eric was messing around and attempting to distract Jessica ( in a reckless manner ) Catching " hot " shells is kind of dangerous ? Don't you think? 
Unless you don't mind getting your fingers burnt.

There's a lot of testosterone flying under the surface in this vid.
Mark , Jessica and Phil were simply there that day to fire a few rounds , for fun.
But , E/D are testing their weapons and practicing to shoot them accurately , for a completely different purpose.

As we all know, E/D were practicing and honing their shooting skills , but we also know why.
To kill as many kids as possible during that horrific day known to the killers as " NBK."
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PostSubject: Re: Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills.    Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills. Icon_minitime15/01/14, 07:46 am

gustopoet wrote:
Interesting also is the fact that during the scene when Eric is catching shells he seems like he wants Jessica to notice. I think he was attracted to her, especially once she had a loaded rifle in hand and started to open fire. You can see in a most obvious way, how closely Eric associated gun-violence and eroticism. He's trying to act manly and experienced by catching shells, but if you look closely his eyes are on Jessica the entire time.

On a related note, in the upcoming scene when Manes is firing "Arlene" watch how Eric looks exactly like a jealous boyfriend watching his girl dance with another dude. Note how he tries to take "Arlene" back from Manes after Manes takes his first shot. Then when Manes is showing off by pumping the shotgun w/ one-hand Eric goes along with the joke but is visibly annoyed.
Do you think Eric was attracted to Jessica because she was firing Marks rifle?  A girl firing a powerful rifle , do you think that would have aroused Eric?
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PostSubject: Re: Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills.    Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills. Icon_minitime15/01/14, 08:03 am

rik75 wrote:

Do you think Eric was attracted to Jessica because she was firing Marks rifle?  A girl firing a powerful rifle , do you think that would have aroused Eric?

Yes & I think Eric was showing off for her by catching shells.
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PostSubject: Re: Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills.    Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills. Icon_minitime15/01/14, 08:25 am

Yes Jenn it's in the planning stage at the moment. I want to provide all the dialogue , covering every scene , and capture the " feel " of E/D as the make the movie.
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PostSubject: Re: Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills.    Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills. Icon_minitime15/01/14, 10:37 pm

(04:18) PD Passes the camera over and tries out Marks rifle.

PD : " That hurts."

PD : " Hey Mark !  Don't get too close to these sights man , this scope comes back and nails you in the forehead."

MM : Hey , don't you go messing up my scope man , if you can't handle the kick , put it down."

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                                              Phil fires one shot at a BP.
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PostSubject: Re: Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills.    Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills. Icon_minitime15/01/14, 11:45 pm

(04:40) Marks fires three rounds at a BP and nails it with his third round. He is using a pistol.

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(04:49) Eric brings a BP over to Phil ( PD is filming ) and shows us ( the viewers ) the bullet damage.

 [ Notice Eric is holding his SG in his right hand. We get a good , clear , close up view of the barrel.]

I can't help , but think about Eric placing that SG into his mouth and pushing the trigger. It would have tasted of metal and burnt gunpowder. I think Eric must have pushed the trigger with a thumb or both. The recoil of that gun is tremendous , as we shall see in later footage.

 Upon pushing the trigger , Eric was killed instantly, and his hands and arms would not have been able to offer any resistance , so , the recoil acted with full energy , the SG was launched backward and away from Eric's face , hitting the floor and came to a rest on the floor before Eric's legs had time to hit the floor.

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(04:49) PD : " Where at ? "  [ Asking where the bullets hit the BP.]

EH : " Its right there." [ Pointing at the entrance hole.]

Eric turns the BP around and points out more bullet holes.

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EH : " You've got an entry an exit wound from the other ones." 

[The hole on the left is the entry "wound" , and the hole on the right is the exit "wound."]
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PostSubject: Re: Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills.    Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills. Icon_minitime16/01/14, 07:05 am

(04:58) We see Eric and Dylan ,Dylan appears to be armed. This part of the movie has been cut, as it only runs for less than a second. Suddenly , Dylan has vanished , so Eric is alone.

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PD was filming , he may have started filming and quickly pressed the pause button ,Dylan goes out of view, then PD starts filming again.

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MM : " Oh god."

DK : " Hey , put on your glasses everyone."

Eric turned around to face the camera :

EH : " Are we filming?"

PD : " Yeah."

Eric fire four rounds. [ Notice the muzzle flash of each round ]

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Eric misses the target several times ,the others don't mind letting him know and they laugh too.

(05:07) PD : " Missed !"

[Dylan starts laughing at Eric. He has a good chuckle at his friend Eric.]

PD : " Missed."
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PostSubject: Re: Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills.    Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills. Icon_minitime17/01/14, 09:18 pm

(05:20) Mark fires a couple more.

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DK : " You just killed a squirrel two miles away."

EH : " You scared those trees real bad."

Some close up shots of Marks rifle.

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MM : " Ok , i'm going to try and do something."

PD : " What you aiming for fool?"

MM : " That one on the ground way out there." [ BP sat on the ground and center of the tree.]

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Mark fires one shot and misses the BP.

Pulls the trigger for another shot and the gun misfires.

Misfires once again.

EH : " God , another misfire."

Mark fires two more shots and misses the BP.

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Marks fires two more shots :

MM : " Another." [ Misfire.]

EH : " Wow...Jesus."

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PD : " You want to get that thing cleaned , maybe."

MM : " No dude , its the bullets."

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PostSubject: Re: Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills.    Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills. Icon_minitime17/01/14, 11:43 pm

(06:41) Mark attempts to hit the same BP.

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Mark misses several times , hitting the tree above and to the left of the BP.

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(07:04) DK : " ..Shooting off to the left too."

PD : " Shooting like high to the left."

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Mark continues to miss the BP.

(07:09) PD : " Lower to the right."

PD : " Miss."

MM : " What's that?"

PD : " Missed the tree completely , i didn't even see that one."

Marks misses again.

PD : " To the left."

Mark misses again.

PD : " Didn't even see it."

Mark misses again.

PD : " To the left."

Mark misses again.

PD : " To the left."

Mark gives up.

[ Amid the constant misses , notice how the other's are treating Marks shooting skills , compared to Eric's.]

[ Marks rifle is far superior when compared to Eric's SG , in particularly the accuracy.]

[ Everyone takes Mark seriously , they don't laugh at him [ even though he constantly misses a BP.]

[ 05:06 - Eric is using his SG , and he misses the target a few times. Dylan seems to enjoy Eric's failures , and he laughed and chuckled at Eric.]

[ It seemed to me everyone showed Mark more respect than they showed Eric.]

[ Shortly , we will see Dylan ( again ) putting Eric down and belittling him in front of the others.]
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PostSubject: Re: Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills.    Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills. Icon_minitime18/01/14, 12:32 am

(07:59) Dylan has loaded his TEC9. A BP has been placed up a tree and it is resting on a stump.

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                 Dylan holds his TEC9 and turns it 90 degrees , holding it on its right side.

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[ As i took these frames , i was concentrating on the weapon. ]

[ Then i noticed something. Look how thin Dylan is ! His coat is literally hanging off of him.]

[ NBK was getting ever so nearer , and Dylan was getting thinner.]
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PostSubject: Re: Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills.    Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills. Icon_minitime19/01/14, 06:01 am

Dylan aims for the BP and fires nine times , almost nails it with his 6th round.

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                                       Fires fifteen more times, and walks away.

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                                                         DK : " Yeeeah."

                                     (08:05) Eric goes for the same BP using the pistol.

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MM : " That's the number 1 gun isn't it ? Convenience store robberies."

                                                   Five shots.....Five misses.

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PostSubject: Re: Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills.    Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills. Icon_minitime19/01/14, 06:29 am

(08:31) PD is having difficulty loading Mark's rifle.

                                                   MM : " Phil's got a disease."

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                                                        PD : " Fuck man"

                                                       PD : " Fuck me bro."

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                                       MM : " Shit , Phil can't load a weapon right."
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PostSubject: Re: Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills.    Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills. Icon_minitime19/01/14, 07:30 am

(09:00) Dylan is facing Phil. 

                                              Dylan is pointing his SG at Phil. 

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[ I think Dylan got a kick out of scaring Phil. Although the SG wasn't loaded , it certainly gave Phil a scare.]

              [ Phil quickly dashes away from Dylan and past the camera , as Dylan smirks.]

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                                    PD : " Oh shit man ! let me get in front of you !"
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PostSubject: Re: Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills.    Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills. Icon_minitime19/01/14, 11:00 am

I think MM said:

"That's the number 1 gun used in convenience store robberies."

I think PD may have said:

"Fuck, negro."
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PostSubject: Re: Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills.    Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills. Icon_minitime19/01/14, 11:23 am

Isn't there a part of this movie where Dylan is loading up his shotgun and has the thing pointed right at his stomach? Yea, he's real smart. Very Happy 

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PostSubject: Re: Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills.    Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills. Icon_minitime19/01/14, 05:21 pm

Wow, interesting thread! You pointed out some things that I never noticed.
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PostSubject: Re: Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills.    Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills. Icon_minitime19/01/14, 08:30 pm

gustopoet wrote:
I think MM said:

"That's the number 1 gun used in convenience store robberies."

I think PD may have said:

"Fuck, negro."
Thank you !
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PostSubject: Re: Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills.    Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills. Icon_minitime19/01/14, 08:34 pm

Jenn wrote:
Isn't there a part of this movie where Dylan is loading up his shotgun and has the thing pointed right at his stomach? Yea, he's real smart. Very Happy 
Yes  , that is the scene coming up next.

Last edited by rik75 on 19/01/14, 09:32 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : update)
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PostSubject: Re: Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills.    Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills. Icon_minitime19/01/14, 11:26 pm

(09:03) Dylan breaks open his SG to put new shells in ( seconds after PD got spooked and ran away. )

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                            Dylan put the shells in the SG and is fiddling around with it.

[ In one hell of a reckless and complacent manner Dylan ignores common sense and turns his { powerful as hell } SG around , and points it at his abdomen. He snaps the SG shut.

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                    [ This is the exact moment Dylan snapped the loaded SG shut.]

[ How would you describe Dylan's behavior ? Common sense says : " DO NOT POINT A LOADED SHOTGUN AT YOURSELF OR AT ANYONE ! ]

Was Dylan merely being too complacent ?  Or did he simply not care about the danger he put himself in ?
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PostSubject: Re: Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills.    Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills. Icon_minitime19/01/14, 11:50 pm

DK : Asks Eric - " Can i borrow your left glove please?"

[ When Dylan and Eric sawed off their Shotguns , making them smaller and easier to conceal , and making them illegal , they didn't smooth out the rough / sharp edges with a file or grinder.]  

Eric goes to fetch the glove and Dylan looks down at his injured hand. The recoil of each shot slams the sharp edges of the SG into the shooters hand , and cuts them up.

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PostSubject: Re: Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills.    Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills. Icon_minitime19/01/14, 11:52 pm

Dylan flashes from homicidal (pointing SG at Phil) to suicidal (pointing SG at himself) in a matter of seconds. It's a chilling glimpse into his personality. What's also interesting is no-one seems to notice or care when he points the barrels of the SG at himself.
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PostSubject: Re: Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills.    Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills. Icon_minitime20/01/14, 07:31 am

gustopoet wrote:
Dylan flashes from homicidal (pointing SG at Phil) to suicidal (pointing SG at himself) in a matter of seconds. It's a chilling glimpse into his personality. What's also interesting is no-one seems to notice or care when he points the barrels of the SG at himself.
Yes , i see it too. Everyone appears to be in their own little world except Phil , of course.
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PostSubject: Re: Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills.    Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills. Icon_minitime22/01/14, 12:45 am

Looking through Eric's journal , he writes about how he felt about becoming a gun owner. Eric handed over money and received his firearms in return. A simply transaction. It happens everyday all over the world. It was a major event in the world of Eric Harris. It was a disastrous event too.

 It brought him closer to the inevitable pathway he chose to walk across and although many instances and circumstances may have deterred him , he chose to stay on the pathway , ignoring and abandoning any ideas , thoughts or feelings of which may have broken the spell he was so deeply under.

Eric's chosen pathway was forged in cement , he walked straight ahead and wore blinkers.
Little moments of happiness and joy didn't hold onto him or comfort him. He was in too deep.
All of his innocent dreams and innocent desires were beyond reach.

I think Eric's pre-NBK mindset never had the chance to develop and expand in a innocent or healthy fashion. Spiritually , Eric was drowning in quicksand. No matter how far he reached out and fought for love , guidance , acceptance and respect , he was constantly rejected and left to drown in the pit of quicksand. Eric could have fought much harder to break the confines of the quicksand.
He chose to breakout in violent and evil manner , of which will live in infamy for all of time.

When Eric put a saw to his shotgun and chopped it down , he finally had the means to earn respect and the power to demand respect. Arlene was Eric's voice and bodyguard. She wasn't to be messed with.
She had the power to extinguish life inside a fraction of a second. She could blow off heads , blast away solid bone and muscle and leave nothing but death in her wake.

I believe Arlene was an extension of Eric's personality. One couldn't mess with Arlene. Only a fool would. When Eric pulls her trigger , a ferocious beast is unleashed , blasted out of that barrel. 
A burning hot flash of molten gunpowder blasts out of the muzzle , followed by deadly slugs or shot.
The projectiles travel at an enormous speed and can kill instantly and it did kill instantly.

When i see the muzzle flash of Arlene , i can see the same thing inside Eric's mind. That violent and eardrum shattering noise of the beast , is IMO , the violent world wind of hate and torment , of which existed in Eric's mind. He often looked calm and chilled , but all the hate is there in his mind and heart.
Always there eating away at him , challenging him , teasing him and torturing him.

In the end Arlene took away Eric's life. She liberated him. She freed him for eternity.

I wonder if Eric kissed Arlene before he placed her in his mouth and pulled her trigger ? 

A final act of appreciation and compassion. For , it was she who gave Eric eternal peace.

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PostSubject: Re: Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills.    Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills. Icon_minitime22/01/14, 08:47 am

rik75 wrote:

When Eric put a saw to his shotgun and chopped it down , he finally had the means to earn respect and the power to demand respect. Arlene was Eric's voice and bodyguard. She wasn't to be messed with.
She had the power to extinguish life inside a fraction of a second. She could blow off heads , blast away solid bone and muscle and leave nothing but death in her wake.

I believe Arlene was an extension of Eric's personality. One couldn't mess with Arlene. Only a fool would. When Eric pulls her trigger , a ferocious beast is unleashed , blasted out of that barrel. 
A burning hot flash of molten gunpowder blasts out of the muzzle , followed by deadly slugs or shot.
The projectiles travel at an enormous speed and can kill instantly and it did kill instantly.

When i see the muzzle flash of Arlene , i can see the same thing inside Eric's mind. That violent and eardrum shattering noise of the beast , is IMO , the violent world wind of hate and torment , of which existed in Eric's mind.

Great post. Also a cool overall thread. Thanks for the analysis!
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PostSubject: Re: Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills.    Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills. Icon_minitime23/01/14, 04:53 am

gustopoet wrote:
rik75 wrote:

When Eric put a saw to his shotgun and chopped it down , he finally had the means to earn respect and the power to demand respect. Arlene was Eric's voice and bodyguard. She wasn't to be messed with.
She had the power to extinguish life inside a fraction of a second. She could blow off heads , blast away solid bone and muscle and leave nothing but death in her wake.

I believe Arlene was an extension of Eric's personality. One couldn't mess with Arlene. Only a fool would. When Eric pulls her trigger , a ferocious beast is unleashed , blasted out of that barrel. 
A burning hot flash of molten gunpowder blasts out of the muzzle , followed by deadly slugs or shot.
The projectiles travel at an enormous speed and can kill instantly and it did kill instantly.

When i see the muzzle flash of Arlene , i can see the same thing inside Eric's mind. That violent and eardrum shattering noise of the beast , is IMO , the violent world wind of hate and torment , of which existed in Eric's mind.

Great post. Also a cool overall thread. Thanks for the analysis!
Thank you!
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PostSubject: Re: Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills.    Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills. Icon_minitime23/01/14, 08:18 am

(09:20) Phil is attempting to load the rifle.

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                       Eric appears.

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             And disappears beside Phil.

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(09:27) DK : " Man , these are like perfect."  [ I think he is talking about ear plugs / ear defenders.]

EH : " Really?"

DK : " Will they block out really loud noises?"

MM : " You get them in musician places."

Eric is aiming for the BP that is standing up and in front of the tree.

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              He turns around to see if the others are watching him and filming him.

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Eric takes careful aim , a moment before he pulls the trigger Dylan offers encouraging words :

                                   DK : " Your not gonna hit it ! " [ Snicker.]

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Eric fires two shots and misses. Mark pretends to be hit during the second shot and turns the camera over to stimulate a fall.

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         Eric takes a third shot and misses. That doesn't matter. THIS IS INSANE !!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          ERIC RELOADS HIS SHOTGUN !
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        Arlene may have been a bitch or may have been a lady -BUT SHE WAS ERIC'S GIRL.

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                                           LIVE ROUND IN THE CHAMBER.
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                            A MUZZLE SO SMOKY and HOT and ERIC IS DRAWN TO IT.

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                          SO CLOSE TO HIS MOUTH , ERIC ISN'T AFRAID OF ARLENE.

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I don't really see Eric just blowing the smoke away. ARLENE WAS A TREASURED POSSESSION OF ERIC'S

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PostSubject: Re: Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills.    Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills. Icon_minitime23/01/14, 08:42 am

rik75 wrote:

This is so chillingly accurate I am on the verge of tears. It is so heartrendingly true.

(It is also hitting way too close to home for me, regarding the loved one I lost to suicide. He did the same exact thing, he just used a different type of firearm).
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I've made this topic a sticky as the detail and effort put into this thread in amazing. I genuinely appreciate contributions like this thread to our forum.

Also, the stills of Eric with Arlene so close to his mouth gives me such a clear visual of how Eric ended his life in the Library that day. It is eerie and like tfsa47090 said could bring one to the verge of tears.

Great job!

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PostSubject: Re: Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills.    Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills. Icon_minitime24/01/14, 06:34 am

tfsa47090 wrote:
rik75 wrote:

This is so chillingly accurate I am on the verge of tears. It is so heartrendingly true.

(It is also hitting way too close to home for me, regarding the loved one I lost to suicide. He did the same exact thing, he just used a different type of firearm).
I am sorry about your loss , i really am.
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PostSubject: Re: Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills.    Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills. Icon_minitime24/01/14, 07:07 am

Jenn wrote:
I've made this topic a sticky as the detail and effort put into this thread in amazing. I genuinely appreciate contributions like this thread to our forum.

Also, the stills of Eric with Arlene so close to his mouth gives me such a clear visual of how Eric ended his life in the Library that day. It is eerie and like tfsa47090 said could bring one to the verge of tears.

Great job!
Thank you. I appreciate it. There is just over 4 minutes left to cover , and lots more to see!
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PostSubject: Re: Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills.    Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills. Icon_minitime24/01/14, 08:20 am

(09:51) Dylan is ready to fire his SG. Holding his arm out straight.

                                   The muzzle flash is a cloud of orange and grey.

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[ Notice Dylan's way of dealing with the tremendous recoil. Holding the SG with one hand , Dylan's whole arm is struck with the recoil force and Dylan rides with it. He doesn't fight it. The recoil hits with full energy and Dylan lets the recoil take his arm and smoothly releases its force.]

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         After firing the shot , Dylan allows the recoil and gravity to bring the SG to a stop.

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       The SG swings beside Dylan like a pendulum , slowly and safely releasing the recoil.
                             Dylan's arm is being swung beside and behind his body.

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PostSubject: Re: Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills.    Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills. Icon_minitime24/01/14, 09:06 pm

(10:00) Mark is filming Eric. Eric is showing us the cuts on his hand caused by Arlene's sharp edges.

MM : " High school kids use guns." [ Eric and Dylan laugh.]

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rik75 wrote:
(10:00) Mark is filming Eric. Eric is showing us the cuts on his hand caused by Arlene's sharp edges.

MM : " High school kids use guns." [ Eric and Dylan laugh.]

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You got those pictures pretty clear. Every time I seen the video, it was always blurry and I couldn't really see the cuts on his hands.

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PostSubject: Re: Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills.    Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills. Icon_minitime24/01/14, 10:47 pm

Jenn wrote:
rik75 wrote:
(10:00) Mark is filming Eric. Eric is showing us the cuts on his hand caused by Arlene's sharp edges.

MM : " High school kids use guns." [ Eric and Dylan laugh.]

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You got those pictures pretty clear. Every time I seen the video, it was always blurry and I couldn't really see the cuts on his hands.
The key to capturing clear images is very time consuming. I am playing the movie through VLC.
Not one single moment of the movie has been filmed using a tripod for stability. Its all hand held and often very shaky and in motion. With VLC,s advanced features , i can freeze the image and play it back frame by frame.
When i reach an image i want to capture , i use VLC's snapshot feature , i take a snapshot of the clearest image i can possible capture , and all the snapshots are placed in their own file. Some shots are not perfectly clear , due to the camera operator not holding the camera steady. So far , i have taken 281 snapshots and i have gone through each one looking for the clearest images available. 

The final scenes of the movie show several people using Eric's SG. We get to see how the others handle the recoil , and we get to see exactly why that SG nailed Eric's nose. So , i'm going to be playing a lot more frame by frame shots.
For the final 5 minutes of RR , i'm going to be freezing and capturing another 250 to 300 frames , going through them one by one and snapping the relevant shots. Lots to do !
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PostSubject: Re: Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills.    Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills. Icon_minitime25/01/14, 12:03 am

(10:25) We have a close up shot of Dylan firing his SG. [ Thumbs up ! Dylan will be pleased about his accuracy.]

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                               Muzzle blast is fiery , but no where near as fierce as Arlene.

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                                    Thumbs !  Dylan is impressed with his shot.

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                                           [Although we don't get to see it.]

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PostSubject: Re: Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills.    Rampart Range. Footage ,dialogue and stills. Icon_minitime25/01/14, 12:16 am

rik75 wrote:
Jenn wrote:
rik75 wrote:
(10:00) Mark is filming Eric. Eric is showing us the cuts on his hand caused by Arlene's sharp edges.

MM : " High school kids use guns." [ Eric and Dylan laugh.]

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You got those pictures pretty clear. Every time I seen the video, it was always blurry and I couldn't really see the cuts on his hands.
The key to capturing clear images is very time consuming. I am playing the movie through VLC.
Not one single moment of the movie has been filmed using a tripod for stability. Its all hand held and often very shaky and in motion. With VLC,s advanced features , i can freeze the image and play it back frame by frame.
When i reach an image i want to capture , i use VLC's snapshot feature , i take a snapshot of the clearest image i can possible capture , and all the snapshots are placed in their own file. Some shots are not perfectly clear , due to the camera operator not holding the camera steady. So far , i have taken 281 snapshots and i have gone through each one looking for the clearest images available. 

The final scenes of the movie show several people using Eric's SG. We get to see how the others handle the recoil , and we get to see exactly why that SG nailed Eric's nose. So , i'm going to be playing a lot more frame by frame shots.
For the final 5 minutes of RR , i'm going to be freezing and capturing another 250 to 300 frames , going through them one by one and snapping the relevant shots. Lots to do !
Also Jenn , when i play RR with  VLC , i shrink the player size as well. When i watch it full screen it is blurry , the smaller the player size is , the better picture quality i receive , and that's one reason why i take small screen shots too.
The images are clearer and sharper then large ones.
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