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 What would Eric & Dylan think about Mindless Self Indulgence ?!

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What would Eric & Dylan think about Mindless Self Indulgence ?! Empty
PostSubject: What would Eric & Dylan think about Mindless Self Indulgence ?!   What would Eric & Dylan think about Mindless Self Indulgence ?! Icon_minitimeTue Dec 22, 2020 4:10 pm

I asked myself the question earlier that day at work.
If they were alive, what would they think about the band Mindless Self Indulgence ? (who’s « super close » to KMFDM)

My first though would be « maybe they liked them because they’re related to KMFDM »
But I might be wrong (I hate MSI btw)

What’s your opinion ?!
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What would Eric & Dylan think about Mindless Self Indulgence ?!
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