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 What would happen if The Basement Tapes got released?

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PostSubject: What would happen if The Basement Tapes got released?   What would happen if The Basement Tapes got released? Icon_minitimeWed Feb 03, 2021 11:57 pm

Recently there has been some talk about The Basement Tapes getting released and that made me wonder what would happen if they did get released. There's this idea that there will be copycat killings inspired by them but I think that they will just give a sense of clarity to the entire case.

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PostSubject: Re: What would happen if The Basement Tapes got released?   What would happen if The Basement Tapes got released? Icon_minitimeThu Feb 04, 2021 5:54 pm

I think you will have some copycats, but i think more so it would provide an inside look into Dyl and Erik's mental state at the time. I'm not sure it would provide any clarity, it may, but i think it may actually raise more questions about their mental state and how they got there.

- Byron
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PostSubject: Re: What would happen if The Basement Tapes got released?   What would happen if The Basement Tapes got released? Icon_minitimeThu Feb 04, 2021 7:55 pm

I am eagerly awaiting if they are going to be released. I have waited years, and surely many people many more. I would like to see their last moments, how they act and behave, it would be interesting. Although I think that it would not be as mediatic as it was in its day. But maybe the case clears up a bit more.
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PostSubject: Re: What would happen if The Basement Tapes got released?   What would happen if The Basement Tapes got released? Icon_minitimeThu Feb 04, 2021 9:26 pm

All hell would break loose between fangirls

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PostSubject: Re: What would happen if The Basement Tapes got released?   What would happen if The Basement Tapes got released? Icon_minitimeThu Feb 04, 2021 9:39 pm

There have been kids inspired by Columbine for years without ever seeing the BT. At this point, Eric and Dylan are old news and there have been a string of other school shooters that disaffected youth can model their behavior after. Also, I think most of the video that has been released shows Dylan and Eric as pretty normal guys. It plays right into their being martyrs for the cause (justice against bullies). Seeing their more hateful side on film would allow us the opportunity to see the bigger picture.

I think if released, we would all be studying them for a deeper understanding of their relationship and motives.

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PostSubject: Re: What would happen if The Basement Tapes got released?   What would happen if The Basement Tapes got released? Icon_minitimeThu Feb 04, 2021 10:15 pm

Kerea2244 wrote:
All hell would break loose between fangirls

I can already imagine the black and white gifs on tumblr
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PostSubject: Re: What would happen if The Basement Tapes got released?   What would happen if The Basement Tapes got released? Icon_minitimeFri Feb 05, 2021 7:00 am

What talks? What did i miss?
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PostSubject: Re: What would happen if The Basement Tapes got released?   What would happen if The Basement Tapes got released? Icon_minitimeFri Feb 05, 2021 11:31 am

Would be a big deal within the scene and probably get some zoomers interested in Columbine. One thing we tend to do when viewing this case is get stuck in the 1999 matrix. A lot of the stuff they say in the tapes would lose its edge to a generation who grew up watching amateur footage of terrorist attacks on their brothers iPad. Columbine being in the news cycle again would also inspire some truly abysmal novelty takes; like it was an exercise in white supremacy or something clickbaity. I don't know.

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PostSubject: Re: What would happen if The Basement Tapes got released?   What would happen if The Basement Tapes got released? Icon_minitimeFri Feb 05, 2021 2:04 pm

I read somewhere that someone said the BT were not worth the "hype" because there were too many expectations. So it must have been someone who saw the tapes.

I didn't like life too much -Dylan
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Lunkhead McGrath

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PostSubject: bagialghasldgahsglhl   What would happen if The Basement Tapes got released? Icon_minitimeFri Feb 05, 2021 11:21 pm

edgelord wrote:
Would be a big deal within the scene and probably get some zoomers interested in Columbine. One thing we tend to do when viewing this case is get stuck in the 1999 matrix. A lot of the stuff they say in the tapes would lose its edge to a generation who grew up watching amateur footage of terrorist attacks on their brothers iPad. Columbine being in  the news cycle again would also inspire some truly abysmal novelty takes; like it was an exercise in white supremacy or something clickbaity. I don't know.

Yes, it's doubtful that much would be conveyed in the Basement Tapes that we haven't seen elsewhere in the 22 years since. Especially since we already know what's in them.
And yes, the iPad comment is probably true as well.

But what I say about the BTs is what I've always said: people salivate over the thought of seeing them SOLELY because they've been denied access to them, making them a holy grail. If they'd been released in 1999 we'd all be as bored with them by now as we are with the yawn-inducing "Radioactive Clothing" or "Eric Inside Columbine," though the BTs no doubt are more interesting than either of those.

Soogaboogie boogie boogie!

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PostSubject: Re: What would happen if The Basement Tapes got released?   What would happen if The Basement Tapes got released? Icon_minitimeSat Feb 06, 2021 9:42 pm

lognifiiskurk wrote:
Recently there has been some talk about The Basement Tapes getting released and that made me wonder what would happen if they did get released. There's this idea that there will be copycat killings inspired by them but I think that they will just give a sense of clarity to the entire case.
What would happen if they were released? In my opinion, very Little, As I've said before, I think releasing the BTs "hurts" E@D "message" more than helps them. The Basement Tapes would be an absolute cringe-Fest that would show they were nothing more than a couple of frustrated pubescent kids that are experiencing the same problems most of us sharedd at their age.
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PostSubject: Re: What would happen if The Basement Tapes got released?   What would happen if The Basement Tapes got released? Icon_minitimeThu Feb 11, 2021 12:37 am

Jollyhelpful wrote:
lognifiiskurk wrote:
Recently there has been some talk about The Basement Tapes getting released and that made me wonder what would happen if they did get released. There's this idea that there will be copycat killings inspired by them but I think that they will just give a sense of clarity to the entire case.
What would happen if they were released? In my opinion, very Little, As I've said before, I think releasing the BTs "hurts" E@D "message" more than helps them. The Basement Tapes would be an absolute cringe-Fest that would show they were nothing more than a couple of frustrated pubescent kids that are experiencing the same problems most of us sharedd at their age.
If you need a real life equivalent: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

I completely agree. Withholding the BTs has allowed Eric and Dylan to be portrayed as two evil masterminds. Especially, Eric who I've seen compared to Hitler. He would love it. If the tapes come out, I think we'll see a lot of venting, self pity and immature behavior....two teenagers trying to convince everyone they're god-like, by posturing for one another and saying they want to come back as ghosts to haunt survivors?

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PostSubject: Re: What would happen if The Basement Tapes got released?   What would happen if The Basement Tapes got released? Icon_minitimeThu Feb 11, 2021 3:06 am

If one day they will be published (I hope it will be in my lifetime) I would think of all the dead shooters (Pekka, Cho, Vladislav etc) that they will not see it. I would have a thought for them

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