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 could nikolas possibly had podophilic tendencies?

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Mr Bubbless
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could nikolas possibly had podophilic tendencies? Empty
PostSubject: could nikolas possibly had podophilic tendencies?   could nikolas possibly had podophilic tendencies? Icon_minitimeWed Feb 03, 2021 10:42 pm

looking through his search history he looked up "rape caught on camera" and "little teen porn" and "hot middle school girl in dress" i just thought this was kind of off what do you think?

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could nikolas possibly had podophilic tendencies? Empty
PostSubject: Re: could nikolas possibly had podophilic tendencies?   could nikolas possibly had podophilic tendencies? Icon_minitimeThu Feb 04, 2021 2:34 am

He did, obviously.
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could nikolas possibly had podophilic tendencies? Empty
PostSubject: Re: could nikolas possibly had podophilic tendencies?   could nikolas possibly had podophilic tendencies? Icon_minitimeThu Feb 04, 2021 4:43 pm

He definitely did. But at the same time, a 19 year old finding young teenagers attractive may be illegal and/or inappropriate, but it’s not very abnormal. If he was a 40 something year old man attracted to teens or he was attracted to little kids between about 4 - 10 then it would certainly be noticeable pedophilia. Technically, pedophilia is the attraction of kids around that age, so Nik would be a “hebephile”. Either way, it’s illegal to look at child pornography. Looks like he was too stupid to go on the dark web and find some.

"Now! Feel death, not just mocking you. Not just stalking you but inside of you. Wriggle and writhe. Feel smaller beneath my might. Seizure in the Pestilence that is my scythe. Die, all of you."
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could nikolas possibly had podophilic tendencies? Empty
PostSubject: Re: could nikolas possibly had podophilic tendencies?   could nikolas possibly had podophilic tendencies? Icon_minitimeMon Jun 28, 2021 11:27 pm

Carnifex879 wrote:
He definitely did. But at the same time, a 19 year old finding young teenagers attractive may be illegal and/or inappropriate, but it’s not very abnormal. If he was a 40 something year old man attracted to teens or he was attracted to little kids between about 4 - 10 then it would certainly be noticeable pedophilia. Technically, pedophilia is the attraction of kids around that age, so Nik would be a “hebephile”. Either way, it’s illegal to look at child pornography. Looks like he was too stupid to go on the dark web and find some.

This didn’t age very well lmao.

Koltin, QuestionMark, Kinkeloukaitis, daisylee671, Mr Bubbless, Xtina, incelgnorance and like this post

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Mr Bubbless
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could nikolas possibly had podophilic tendencies? Empty
PostSubject: Re: could nikolas possibly had podophilic tendencies?   could nikolas possibly had podophilic tendencies? Icon_minitimeFri Jul 23, 2021 8:15 am

There is a great possibility that pedophilia is overrepresented amongst mass shooters. Many shooters have destroyed evidence related to their sexuality, to name a few:

-Stephen Paddock's hard drive contained a plethora of child pornography. He also allegedly hired a prostitute who he had dress up as a schoolgirl and roleplay as a teenager losing her virginity.

-Adam Lanza had a preoccupation with the topic of pedophilia but denied being a pedophile, however he destroyed his hard drive and deleted all comments which may have alluded to the possibility that he was in fact one.

These are just a few cases, but the rabbit hole leads much deeper. I would highly recommend what Dead Rabbit Radio had to say on the phenomenon as he makes some great points regarding the situation and I believe we could all gain insight from this.

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Last edited by Mr Bubbless on Mon Aug 09, 2021 2:25 am; edited 1 time in total

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could nikolas possibly had podophilic tendencies? Empty
PostSubject: Re: could nikolas possibly had podophilic tendencies?   could nikolas possibly had podophilic tendencies? Icon_minitimeSat Jul 24, 2021 6:18 pm

Im not gonna say anything besides no one really looks up "rape caught on camera" and "little teen porn" and "hot middle school girl in dress" just for fun!

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could nikolas possibly had podophilic tendencies? Empty
PostSubject: Re: could nikolas possibly had podophilic tendencies?   could nikolas possibly had podophilic tendencies? Icon_minitimeSat Jul 24, 2021 8:07 pm

Mr Bubbless wrote:
There is a great possibility that pedophilia is overrepresented amongst mass shooters. Many shooters have destroyed evidence related to their sexuality, to name a few:

-Stephen Paddock's hard drive contained a plethora of child pornography. He also allegedly hired a prostitute who he had dress up as a schoolgirl and roleplay as a teenager losing her virginity.

-Adam Lanza had a preoccupation with the topic of pedophilia but denied being a pedophile, however he destroyed his hard drive and deleted all comments which may have alluded to the possibility that he was in fact one.

-Seung-Hui Cho discarded his hard drive and had previously been rejected by a prostitute before the shootings, it's possible that he could've had a fetish which turned away the woman so he got rid of any incriminating evidence.

These are just a few cases, but the rabbit hole leads much deeper. I would highly recommend what Dead Rabbit Radio had to say on the phenomenon as he makes some great points regarding the situation and I believe we could all gain insight from this.

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As an additive to this, Matthew Murray had child porn on his computer.

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Quote :
During the search of Matthew's computer, (two tera bytes), he had in excess of a half million images which consisted of adult pornogrophy, child pornogrophy, and homosexual pornogrophy.

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could nikolas possibly had podophilic tendencies? Empty
PostSubject: Re: could nikolas possibly had podophilic tendencies?   could nikolas possibly had podophilic tendencies? Icon_minitimeSat Jul 24, 2021 8:24 pm

Wasn't he dating a 13 year old named Angie?

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could nikolas possibly had podophilic tendencies? Empty
PostSubject: Re: could nikolas possibly had podophilic tendencies?   could nikolas possibly had podophilic tendencies? Icon_minitimeSat Jul 24, 2021 10:07 pm

QuestionMark wrote:
Mr Bubbless wrote:
There is a great possibility that pedophilia is overrepresented amongst mass shooters. Many shooters have destroyed evidence related to their sexuality, to name a few:

-Stephen Paddock's hard drive contained a plethora of child pornography. He also allegedly hired a prostitute who he had dress up as a schoolgirl and roleplay as a teenager losing her virginity.

-Adam Lanza had a preoccupation with the topic of pedophilia but denied being a pedophile, however he destroyed his hard drive and deleted all comments which may have alluded to the possibility that he was in fact one.

-Seung-Hui Cho discarded his hard drive and had previously been rejected by a prostitute before the shootings, it's possible that he could've had a fetish which turned away the woman so he got rid of any incriminating evidence.

These are just a few cases, but the rabbit hole leads much deeper. I would highly recommend what Dead Rabbit Radio had to say on the phenomenon as he makes some great points regarding the situation and I believe we could all gain insight from this.

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As an additive to this, Matthew Murray had child porn on his computer.

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
Quote :
During the search of Matthew's computer, (two tera bytes), he had in excess of a half million images which consisted of adult pornogrophy, child pornogrophy, and homosexual pornogrophy.

Aw man this kind of ruins him for me I always thought he was cool.

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could nikolas possibly had podophilic tendencies? Empty
PostSubject: Re: could nikolas possibly had podophilic tendencies?   could nikolas possibly had podophilic tendencies? Icon_minitimeSun Jul 25, 2021 8:57 pm

Mr Bubbless wrote:

-Seung-Hui Cho discarded his hard drive and had previously been rejected by a prostitute before the shootings, it's possible that he could've had a fetish which turned away the woman so he got rid of any incriminating evidence.

Reaching hard there
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could nikolas possibly had podophilic tendencies? Empty
PostSubject: Re: could nikolas possibly had podophilic tendencies?   could nikolas possibly had podophilic tendencies? Icon_minitimeMon Jul 26, 2021 10:53 am

title says podophilia, foot fetish

message is about pedophilia


But fr Cruz is retarded and pedos are retarded, so, same thing

lol that was funny
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could nikolas possibly had podophilic tendencies? Empty
PostSubject: Re: could nikolas possibly had podophilic tendencies?   could nikolas possibly had podophilic tendencies? Icon_minitimeSat Feb 05, 2022 2:37 pm

Employer_Square wrote:
Carnifex879 wrote:
He definitely did. But at the same time, a 19 year old finding young teenagers attractive may be illegal and/or inappropriate, but it’s not very abnormal. If he was a 40 something year old man attracted to teens or he was attracted to little kids between about 4 - 10 then it would certainly be noticeable pedophilia. Technically, pedophilia is the attraction of kids around that age, so Nik would be a “hebephile”. Either way, it’s illegal to look at child pornography. Looks like he was too stupid to go on the dark web and find some.

This didn’t age very well lmao.

O_o Why did this not age well? The OP get caught with child porn or something?
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could nikolas possibly had podophilic tendencies? Empty
PostSubject: Re: could nikolas possibly had podophilic tendencies?   could nikolas possibly had podophilic tendencies? Icon_minitimeSat Feb 05, 2022 7:03 pm

Carnifex879 wrote:
He definitely did. But at the same time, a 19 year old finding young teenagers attractive may be illegal and/or inappropriate, but it’s not very abnormal. If he was a 40 something year old man attracted to teens or he was attracted to little kids between about 4 - 10 then it would certainly be noticeable pedophilia. Technically, pedophilia is the attraction of kids around that age, so Nik would be a “hebephile”. Either way, it’s illegal to look at child pornography. Looks like he was too stupid to go on the dark web and find some.

This reads like a dumbed down version of Adam trying to clarify his position on pedophilia.

Kommandant_Breivik wrote:
Employer_Square wrote:

This didn’t age very well lmao.

O_o Why did this not age well? The OP get caught with child porn or something?

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could nikolas possibly had podophilic tendencies? Empty
PostSubject: Re: could nikolas possibly had podophilic tendencies?   could nikolas possibly had podophilic tendencies? Icon_minitimeSat Feb 05, 2022 10:00 pm

QuestionMark wrote:
Carnifex879 wrote:
He definitely did. But at the same time, a 19 year old finding young teenagers attractive may be illegal and/or inappropriate, but it’s not very abnormal. If he was a 40 something year old man attracted to teens or he was attracted to little kids between about 4 - 10 then it would certainly be noticeable pedophilia. Technically, pedophilia is the attraction of kids around that age, so Nik would be a “hebephile”. Either way, it’s illegal to look at child pornography. Looks like he was too stupid to go on the dark web and find some.

This reads like a dumbed down version of Adam trying to clarify his position on pedophilia.

Kommandant_Breivik wrote:
Employer_Square wrote:

This didn’t age very well lmao.

O_o Why did this not age well? The OP get caught with child porn or something?

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Was Carnifex into child porn?
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PostSubject: Re: could nikolas possibly had podophilic tendencies?   could nikolas possibly had podophilic tendencies? Icon_minitimeSat Feb 05, 2022 11:59 pm


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could nikolas possibly had podophilic tendencies? Empty
PostSubject: Re: could nikolas possibly had podophilic tendencies?   could nikolas possibly had podophilic tendencies? Icon_minitimeSun Feb 06, 2022 12:46 am

sussy_baka wrote:
Proof or I didn’t happen
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PostSubject: Re: could nikolas possibly had podophilic tendencies?   could nikolas possibly had podophilic tendencies? Icon_minitimeTue Feb 08, 2022 1:59 pm

sussy_baka wrote:
giving your self the username [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] is worse than any mass shooting

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Mr Bubbless
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PostSubject: Re: could nikolas possibly had podophilic tendencies?   could nikolas possibly had podophilic tendencies? Icon_minitimeWed Feb 09, 2022 12:29 am


My Blog -

Last edited by Mr Bubbless on Fri Apr 22, 2022 4:39 am; edited 2 times in total

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could nikolas possibly had podophilic tendencies? Empty
PostSubject: Re: could nikolas possibly had podophilic tendencies?   could nikolas possibly had podophilic tendencies? Icon_minitimeWed Feb 09, 2022 3:50 pm

Mr Bubbless wrote:
humanity is overrated wrote:
sussy_baka wrote:
giving your self the username [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] is worse than any mass shooting
Your name is literally just a Pekka quote, you don't have the right to talk.
yes I do, ones a Pekka Eric Auvinen quote and the other is a cringy outdated meme
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PostSubject: Re: could nikolas possibly had podophilic tendencies?   could nikolas possibly had podophilic tendencies? Icon_minitimeFri Sep 23, 2022 11:24 am

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