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 Survivors who Knew E & D

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PostSubject: Survivors who Knew E & D   Survivors who Knew E & D Icon_minitimeThu Mar 04, 2021 4:25 pm

Lois Kean- familiar with Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold’s face but did not know their name.

Amber Huntington- She knew Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris, she had classes with them when they were in Junior High. Lindsay Hansen told her Eric idolized hitler

Seth Huoy- He knew Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold from his bowling class. They were in a team with Chris Morris

Sarah Huoy- She had heard Dylan Klebold’s name around and had seen him at school

Jessica Holliday- She had acquainted with Eric, he had been to her house for dinner along with some other friends but they weren't close. Dylan was in her Government Economics class and they sometimes spoke.

Peggy Dodd- a few weeks before the massacre, Dylan called her a bitch when she asked him to pay for using the printer. During the shooting she told Brian Anderson “i have to get out of here, they hate me, they’re going to kill me.”

Aaron Cohn- Eric Harris lived in the back of him, and he had seen him driving his car in the neighborhood before and wave at him. Dylan Klebold was in his weight training class.

Adam Kyler- Harassed by Dylan

Michael Johnson- He knew Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold but never had any dealings with either one. He was shot in the face and leg

Joyce Jankowski- she had Dylan Klebold in one of his class approximately two years before. She remembered him as a quiet, grade-conscious and creative student.

Nick Foss- saw Eric and Dylan from his Psychology classes.

Evan Todd- knew Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold from seeing them “almost every day.”

Austin Eubanks- On their shit list

Jennifer Doyle- remembered Dylan because they attended the same elementary school (Governor’s Ranch Elementary), and were both in the Chips Program for advanced students. She was shot in her hand

Diwata Perez- She knew Eric Harris from one of her classes.

Athena Lagos- She was very familiar with Dylan Klebold, they both were in a “Chips” program for advanced students in elementary school.

Amy Evans- On their hitlist. She appeared on the Dr. Phil show with her friend Katie and parkland survivors

Makai Hall- He knew Dylan and heard him talking about pipebombs. He was shot in the leg

Val Schnurr- She knew Eric Harris from school. She was shot multiple times and asked if she believed in god by Dylan

Look hard enough and you will always find a light ~ Rachel Joy Scott

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PostSubject: Re: Survivors who Knew E & D   Survivors who Knew E & D Icon_minitimeMon Mar 08, 2021 6:00 pm

John Savage: Asked Dylan what he was doing in the library to which Dylan responded "Just killing people". Knew Dylan from the Frankenstein Drama Production that they had done that previous year.

"One day I might just disappear and you will never find me. Nobody will ever find me"

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PostSubject: Re: Survivors who Knew E & D   Survivors who Knew E & D Icon_minitimeTue Mar 09, 2021 10:44 am

Kerea2244 wrote:

Dylan Klebold was in his weight training class.

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PostSubject: Re: Survivors who Knew E & D   Survivors who Knew E & D Icon_minitimeTue Apr 20, 2021 10:17 am

Well I guess everyone in the school could be a survivor? So you could say everyone in Columbine who knew of them before the incident would count.

Obviously not counting the students who just heard of Trench Coat Mafia.
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