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Columbine High School Massacre Discussion Forum
A place to discuss the Columbine High School Massacre along with other school shootings and crimes. Anyone interested in researching, learning, discussing and debating with us, please come join our community!
Posts : 311 Contribution Points : 29888 Forum Reputation : 225 Join date : 2022-03-20
Subject: Robyn Anderson Blame Mon Mar 28, 2022 4:16 am
Why didn't Robyn Anderson get much blame/prison time compared to Mark Mayes and Philip Duran the Blackjack Pizza guys who just got 1 gun (DC-TEC 9) for them in the massacre as opposed to her giving them 2 shotguns and a carbine rifle at a gun show.
Posts : 311 Contribution Points : 29888 Forum Reputation : 225 Join date : 2022-03-20
Subject: Re: Robyn Anderson Blame Mon Mar 28, 2022 4:19 am