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 thrill mass killings?

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thrill mass killings? Empty
PostSubject: thrill mass killings?   thrill mass killings? Icon_minitimeThu Jun 09, 2022 10:06 pm

a thrill killing is a type Murder that is defined as 'a murder that is either premeditated or done randomly for the enjoyment or the thrill of the act of murder' I'm not shore if a sex killing can be a considered a thrill killing. 

The only example of this I can think of is the case of Szilveszter Matuska, Szilveszter Matuska (born January 29, 1892 – disappeared c. 1945) is a Hungarian mass killer who through the years of 1930 and 1931 was responsible for two successful and at least two unsuccessful attempts to derail 
passenger trains 

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although he made attempts in the past to derailed passenger trains he managed to successfully derail two passenger trains witch combined killed 22 and injured 120+ because of the discovery of a defaced Nazi newspaper at the scene of the crime, among other things, the attack was believed to have been politically motivated. He was arrest on the 10 October 1931 to witch immediately confessed and tried to pull a Nikolas Cruz by saying "god made me do it" Matuska was tried and convicted in Austria for the two unsuccessful attempts. He was later extradited to Hungary on condition that he not be executed. He was found guilty of murder and sentenced to death, but the sentence was commuted to life imprisonment as agreed with Austria. he has quoted as saying "I wrecked trains because I like to see people die. I like to hear them scream." It was reported that he achieved orgasm while watching the trains he had sabotaged crash
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thrill mass killings? Empty
PostSubject: Re: thrill mass killings?   thrill mass killings? Icon_minitimeThu Jun 09, 2022 10:18 pm

Tim Kretschmer was in part doing the Winnenden Shooting "For fun, because it's fun."

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