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 All UK shootings I know of

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Age : 28
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All UK shootings I know of Empty
PostSubject: All UK shootings I know of   All UK shootings I know of Icon_minitimeSat Sep 10, 2022 6:18 pm

1978: 5 killed in shooting spree in the West Midlands. 1987: 27-year old Michael Ryan shot 15 people dead and injured 15 in Hungerford, Berkshire before killing himself at John O Gaunt School. 1989: 22-year old mentally ill civil servant Robert Sartin killed 1 and injured 16 in Whitley Bay, Tyne and Wear. 1996: 17 killed and 12 injured at Dunblane Primary School by 43-year old pedophile Thomas Hamilton. This leads to new strict gun laws. 2010: 55-year old taxi driver Derrick Bird killed 12 and injured 11 in various locations across Cumbria. 2010: Raoul Moat kills 2 and injures 2 in Northumbria. This leads to a nationwide manhunt. 2012: 4 are killed and 1 is injured in familicide in Horden, Tyne and Wear. The perpertrator then killed himself. 2018: 12 injured in gang-related shooting at Manchester Carribean Carnival. 2021: 5 killed and 2 injured in Keyham, Plymouth. The perpetrator was 22-year old incel Jake Davison.
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All UK shootings I know of
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