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 Mass killers who have siblings

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PostSubject: Mass killers who have siblings   Mass killers who have siblings Icon_minitimeTue Oct 01, 2024 3:28 pm

Alina Afanaskina - one sister (Dasha)

William Atchison - one older brother (Brentt)

Pekka-Eric Auvinen - one younger brother

Connor Betts - one younger sister (Megan, who was a victim in the shooting)

Robert Bever/Michael Bever (brothers) - five younger siblings (Daniel, Christopher, Victoria, Crystal, and Autumn; Daniel, Christopher, and Victoria were 3 of 5 victims)

Sebastian Bosse - one younger brother and a sister

Martin Bryant - one younger sister (Lindy)

Luiz Henrique de Castro - one older brother

Seung-Hui Cho - one sister

Nikolas Cruz - one younger brother (Zachary) and one older sister (Danielle)

Kimveer Gill - two younger brothers

Eric Harris - one older brother (Kevin)

James Holmes - one younger sister (Chris)

Tomohiro Kato - one younger brother (Yuji)

Kipland Kinkel - one older sister (Kristen)

Dylan Klebold - one older brother (Byron)

Thomas Lane - one younger sister (Sadie)

Adam Lanza - one older brother (Ryan)

Timothy McVeigh - one older sister (Patricia) and one younger sister (Jennifer)

Ethan Blair Miller - one younger brother

Dimitrios Pagourtzos - one younger sister

Stephen Paddock - three younger brothers (Eric, Patrick, and Bruce)

Terry Ratzmann - one sister (Cheryl)

Elliot Rodger - one younger brother (Jazz) and one younger sister (Georgia)

Dylann Roof - two sisters (Morgan and Amber)

Trey Sesler - one older brother (Mark, a victim of the 2012 Waller Killings committed by Sesler)

Brenda Spencer  two older siblings, a brother (Scott) and a sister (Teresa)

Randy Stair - one younger brother (Jeremy)

Guilherme Taucci - two younger sisters

Austin Thompson - one older brother (Scott, who was a victim of the shooting)
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Join date : 2023-09-03

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PostSubject: Re: Mass killers who have siblings   Mass killers who have siblings Icon_minitimeTue Oct 01, 2024 3:29 pm

Kosta Kecmanović - younger sister

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PostSubject: Re: Mass killers who have siblings   Mass killers who have siblings Icon_minitimeTue Oct 01, 2024 3:32 pm

David Kozák - older sister

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