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 All the things they never got to do

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John Denver
Juicy Jazzy
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All the things they never got to do Empty
PostSubject: All the things they never got to do   All the things they never got to do Icon_minitimeMon Nov 02, 2015 6:06 pm

So I was going through some old VHS tapes I found in a box, and I stumbled upon, believe it or not, a tape with a show that was broadcast on Monday, April 19, 1999. (The show is Ally McBeal - I bought a big batch of old tapes on eBay and it was in the pile.)

On the tape, there was a commercial for a then-soon-to-be-released movie called The Mummy, starring Brendan Fraser.

The ad said that the movie "starts on Friday, May 7."

So Eric and Dylan never got to see The Mummy. I don't know if it's the kind of flick they would have wanted to watch, but the bottom line is that they never got the chance.

Think about all of the things that they never got to do, or see, or hear. Think of all the places they never got to go.

Think about all of the things that you want to do with the rest of your life, and then ask yourself: "Why would I want to give all of that up?" And then ask yourself: "Why would I want to keep others from doing those things, as well?"

Why does anyone do anything?
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PostSubject: Re: All the things they never got to do   All the things they never got to do Icon_minitimeMon Nov 02, 2015 7:11 pm

I doubt Eric ever got a chance to listen to this album by his favorite band.

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KMFDM was one of Eric' favorite bands. They released an album called 'Adios' and it came out on April 20, 1999.

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PostSubject: Re: All the things they never got to do   All the things they never got to do Icon_minitimeMon Nov 02, 2015 9:42 pm

They never got a chance to see The Matrix. Definitely a film the pair would've enjoyed. Dylan made bogus plans to see it with Devon on the 21st.

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PostSubject: Re: All the things they never got to do   All the things they never got to do Icon_minitimeMon Nov 02, 2015 10:20 pm

They never got to experience Y2K

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All the things they never got to do Empty
PostSubject: Re: All the things they never got to do   All the things they never got to do Icon_minitimeTue Nov 03, 2015 12:25 am

also their victims. just don´t forget them. they didn´t chose to die like eric and dylan.
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Juicy Jazzy

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All the things they never got to do Empty
PostSubject: Re: All the things they never got to do   All the things they never got to do Icon_minitimeTue Nov 03, 2015 3:15 am

They didn't get to experience the 2000's which is sad because in a way they died at the end of their era. When I think back to them I think of the 90's, I cant help it.
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All the things they never got to do Empty
PostSubject: Re: All the things they never got to do   All the things they never got to do Icon_minitimeTue Nov 03, 2015 1:30 pm

They never got to see Back to the Future Day: October 21, 2015. That day was on my mind sometimes even before April 20, 1999.

Also, they never got to see themselves as infamous.
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All the things they never got to do Empty
PostSubject: Re: All the things they never got to do   All the things they never got to do Icon_minitimeWed Nov 04, 2015 10:48 am

This one especially. They never got to play Doom 3, which at the time was the best graphically looking, and probably most "scary" game out. I'm sure Eric would of loved seeing his favorite characters in full 3D! Would of made his jaw drop most likely! PICS:

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On another note. Y2K like someone said. There was so many news reports of what was going to happen, how planes would fall out of the sky, computers would crash and malfunctions of electrical equipment. That sounds like the mayhem that E & D loved. It just goes to show how bad they really hated those kids in that school. 2 weeks left to graduate, and they'd never have to see them again. That fact always boggles my mind.
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John Denver

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All the things they never got to do Empty
PostSubject: Re: All the things they never got to do   All the things they never got to do Icon_minitimeWed Nov 04, 2015 9:17 pm

What really puts into perspective how long it's been since 4/20 is that they never experienced Y2K, George W. Bush's presidency, 9/11 or Barack Obama's presidency.

I wonder what they would have thought of 9/11. Would they be gloating about it or would they be shocked and angry about it?

Did they ever travel? Did they see New York City? Or California? Did they ever go to Mexico? I think they never got to travel to Europe. Did they ski in the Colorado mountains?

If they could have seen that there is so much more to life than Littleton and Columbine High School...

I've never understood suicide. I understand that you can get so sad in your milieu, but if your milieu hurts you, why can't you escape? I'd like to imagine E/D living somewhere deep in the Caribbean, secluded and finally in harmony with themselves and their surroundings.
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All the things they never got to do Empty
PostSubject: Re: All the things they never got to do   All the things they never got to do Icon_minitimeThu Nov 05, 2015 12:51 am

John Denver wrote:
What really puts into perspective how long it's been since 4/20 is that they never experienced Y2K, George W. Bush's presidency, 9/11 or Barack Obama's presidency.

I wonder what they would have thought of 9/11. Would they be gloating about it or would they be shocked and angry about it?

Did they ever travel? Did they see New York City? Or California? Did they ever go to Mexico? I think they never got to travel to Europe. Did they ski in the Colorado mountains?

If they could have seen that there is so much more to life than Littleton and Columbine High School...

I've never understood suicide. I understand that you can get so sad in your milieu, but if your milieu hurts you, why can't you escape? I'd like to imagine E/D living somewhere deep in the Caribbean, secluded and finally in harmony with themselves and their surroundings.

Pretty sure they didn't do much of anything above. Eric probably hating traveling because his whole life consisted of moving from place to place, which he utterly hated. But I agree it kind of seems like yesterday Columbine happened. I still have the memories of coming home from school and seeing the newscast of all the kids running out of the school with their hands in the air, swat teams behind them. All that was on the news for months was school shooting segments, and I remember how my school went from laid back to all kinds of strict security measures over night.

Although they didn't come close to the number of people they wanted to kill, they most definitely got the "fame" they were looking for. I think they got ten times as much as they thought they would. I doubt they ever thought "Columbine" would be a house hold name.

I thought the same thing about suicide. It's crazy how much balls they had (not in a good way), but they didn't have enough to stand up to bullies. You have to have so much balls to plan on shooting up a school, and actually go through with it. Imagine waking up knowing you're going to kill classmates and then you're going to shoot yourself in the head and die in the next few hours? I guess thats what makes "psychopaths" and depressies different from us. They just don't have that thing that makes them logically think about what they are about to do.
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PostSubject: Re: All the things they never got to do   All the things they never got to do Icon_minitimeSat Dec 09, 2017 9:20 pm

Eric never got a chance to see how his spinning cell phone fun was the beginning front for the creation of the fidget spinner lol.
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All the things they never got to do Empty
PostSubject: Re: All the things they never got to do   All the things they never got to do Icon_minitimeSun Dec 10, 2017 5:22 pm

They never got to see fight club, it would have been relatable AF
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PostSubject: Re: All the things they never got to do   All the things they never got to do Icon_minitimeSun Dec 10, 2017 5:52 pm

few things they missed out on: Video games becoming extremely advanced and looking realistic, fast wireless broadband internet, LCD monitors, iphones that can play videos and connect to the internet while outside, digital cameras, technology becoming mainstream and everyone using it instead of only dorky people, social media, youtube and instant video, being on TIME magazine, being portrayed by actors, having books written about them, being world wide famous, having documentaries on their life made, famous people acknowledging their existence, being at a famous school.
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PostSubject: Re: All the things they never got to do   All the things they never got to do Icon_minitimeSun Dec 10, 2017 8:38 pm

spidEr wrote:
few things they missed out on: Video games becoming extremely advanced and looking realistic, fast wireless broadband internet, LCD monitors, iphones that can play videos and connect to the internet while outside, digital cameras, technology becoming mainstream and everyone using it instead of only dorky people, social media, youtube and instant video, being on TIME magazine, being portrayed by actors, having books written about them, being world wide famous, having documentaries on their life made, famous people acknowledging their existence, being at a famous school.

They wanted to have movies made about them and be infamous, but part of me thinks they would actually be shocked at how many people are still personally invested in Columbine over 18 years later.
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All the things they never got to do Empty
PostSubject: Re: All the things they never got to do   All the things they never got to do Icon_minitimeMon Dec 11, 2017 1:05 am

They never would've experienced the gift of 4chan and Encyclopedia Dramatica before both those sites became largely garbage. I think Eric would've enjoyed both of those websites.

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All the things they never got to do Empty
PostSubject: Re: All the things they never got to do   All the things they never got to do Icon_minitimeMon Dec 11, 2017 9:03 am

42099_4EVA wrote:
Eric never got a chance to see how his spinning cell phone fun was the beginning front for the creation of the fidget spinner lol.

Eric Harris spinning shit before it was cool! Haha Roll
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PostSubject: Re: All the things they never got to do   All the things they never got to do Icon_minitimeMon Dec 11, 2017 1:24 pm

ShadowedGoddess wrote:
42099_4EVA wrote:
Eric never got a chance to see how his spinning cell phone fun was the beginning front for the creation of the fidget spinner lol.

Eric Harris spinning shit before it was cool! Haha Roll indeed true, lol
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PostSubject: Re: All the things they never got to do   All the things they never got to do Icon_minitimeMon Dec 11, 2017 3:03 pm

They never got to see that in addition to KMFDM making an Adios album, Rammstein coincidentally released a song with the same title on their Mutter album a couple years later.
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All the things they never got to do Empty
PostSubject: Re: All the things they never got to do   All the things they never got to do Icon_minitimeMon Dec 11, 2017 3:38 pm

Littlelo wrote:
They never got to see that in addition to KMFDM making an Adios album, Rammstein coincidentally released a song with the same title on their Mutter album a couple years later.

"Mutter" is their best album aswell. Really missed out on a gem.
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PostSubject: Re: All the things they never got to do   All the things they never got to do Icon_minitimeMon Dec 11, 2017 3:41 pm

W.A.R. wrote:
Littlelo wrote:
They never got to see that in addition to KMFDM making an Adios album, Rammstein coincidentally released a song with the same title on their Mutter album a couple years later.

"Mutter" is their best album aswell. Really missed out on a gem.

I really like Sehnsucht (who doesn't) but I agree Mutter is a great album. I think Eric would have liked it, as well as Reise, Reise.
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PostSubject: Re: All the things they never got to do   All the things they never got to do Icon_minitimeMon Dec 11, 2017 3:54 pm

Missed out on Grand Theft Auto III which totally revolutionized gaming.

I think they would have been big fans.
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All the things they never got to do Empty
PostSubject: Re: All the things they never got to do   All the things they never got to do Icon_minitimeTue Dec 12, 2017 7:59 am

John Denver wrote:

I've never understood suicide. I understand that you can get so sad in your milieu, but if your milieu hurts you, why can't you escape? I'd like to imagine E/D living somewhere deep in the Caribbean, secluded and finally in harmony with themselves and their surroundings.

Sometimes the reasons you are miserable are within yourself. After I graduated HS I went off to live in a foreign country for some time by myself and I wasn't any happier there than I was in HS. You can't run away from your problems when the problem is yourself (eg. depression/mental illness that doesn't necessarily have to be influenced by the outside). That's the reason I believe Dylan probably wouldn't have been any happier in college (without receiving treatment!).

And yes, I think about what they missed out on all the time and get sad because the whole thing was so unnecessary.
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PostSubject: Re: All the things they never got to do   All the things they never got to do Icon_minitimeTue Dec 12, 2017 8:19 am

Wumselito wrote:
Sometimes the reasons you are miserable are within yourself.

To true! On the outside some people look like they have their lives together and are doing fine, but on the inside they are barely holding on.

I have always said that the scariest place in the world is inside most peoples own minds. Shocked
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PostSubject: Re: All the things they never got to do   All the things they never got to do Icon_minitimeTue Dec 12, 2017 8:28 am

Not just Eric and Dylan.
All the victims guys.

So strange for the brain to think about what they missed.
And thinking about the fact that, they are now, all these people, froze in time.

So strange.

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PostSubject: Re: All the things they never got to do   All the things they never got to do Icon_minitimeTue Dec 12, 2017 9:41 am

FrenchObserver wrote:
Not just Eric and Dylan.
All the victims guys.

So strange for the brain to think about what they missed.
And thinking about the fact that, they are now, all these people, froze in time.

So strange.  

I 500% agree, the victims too, because they didn't deserve to die (no matter what bullying any of them might have done), to quote Morgan from TWD, "all life is precious" and indeed it is. So yeah, I have sympathy and my heart goes out to the victims and E&D. I wish the whole tragedy had been avoided and come graduation day, Eric, Dylan, Cassie, Rachel could have all graduated together and went on with their lives and that's what's most tragic, like I believe another poster said, all of them are like - stuck in 1999 forever, frozen in that time period because of the tragedy.
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PostSubject: Re: All the things they never got to do   All the things they never got to do Icon_minitimeTue Dec 12, 2017 9:43 am

I think what hit me the most was at the last anniversary, someone here noted that now, most of the victims and E&D have been dead longer than they were alive.
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PostSubject: Re: All the things they never got to do   All the things they never got to do Icon_minitimeTue Dec 12, 2017 9:44 am

Littlelo wrote:
I think what hit me the most was at the last anniversary, someone here noted that now, most of the victims and E&D have been dead longer than they were alive.

Yes, that is a very sad thing to contemplate. Sad
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PostSubject: Re: All the things they never got to do   All the things they never got to do Icon_minitimeTue Dec 12, 2017 11:06 am

Littlelo wrote:
They never got to see that in addition to KMFDM making an Adios album, Rammstein coincidentally released a song with the same title on their Mutter album a couple years later.

I'm surprised Eric didn't buy the album the morning of and blast it before or on the way to the school. At that point, KMFDM was the last thing on their minds but the title being so ironic I could see him leaving the CD front side up on the driver's seat for the cops to find to add some last minute irony.
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