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 The Browns

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PostSubject: The Browns   The Browns Icon_minitimeWed Mar 02, 2016 12:10 am

I've read/heard that a lot of people don't believe Brooks Brown. They don't believe that he talked to Eric the morning of 4/20 and they don't believe that he found out about Eric's site from Dylan.

Now, we've heard that the Browns as a family have spent tons of time investigating this incident, we know they were invited to view the basement tapes and the evidence viewing.

But my question is. How many people here believe them? I mean if Brooks truly is a liar is it possible his parents are too? I mean even if they did decide to talk about the basement tapes could we trust what they say?

I just want to add that I personally believe Brooks talked to Eric on 4/20 and was told to go home but I just want to near what other people think about the Browns in general.
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PostSubject: Re: The Browns   The Browns Icon_minitimeWed Mar 02, 2016 12:23 am

The Brown's were not invited to view the Basement Tapes, they forced their way into the viewing and instead of upsetting the other parents already there (whose children were actually murdered by Dylan and Eric) they let them watch them instead of causing a big scene.

Brooks may have talked to Eric, there were witnesses who say they did see Brooks walking down the street moments before the shooting started, but whether he talked to Eric or not, there is no witnesses to that.

Brooks has openly admitted to being a liar, so take everything he says with a grain of salt.

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As you'd have done to you”
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PostSubject: Re: The Browns   The Browns Icon_minitimeWed Mar 02, 2016 12:29 am

Brooks lying could stem from him wanting attention, if this is the case it's possible he could get it from his parents.
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PostSubject: Re: The Browns   The Browns Icon_minitimeWed Mar 02, 2016 12:34 am

Jbow89 wrote:
Brooks lying could stem from him wanting attention, if this is the case it's possible he could get it from his parents.
Maybe but ever since the whole Tumblr accusation with Brooks, I have felt differently about him and why he even got into Columbine in the first place. Why he keeps saying he is done with it and then comes back to it. I think he does it for attention and mainly attention from Fangirls. I know it's debatable whether or not he actually did it but I tend to believe he did therefore it's hard for me to form any other kind of unbiased opinion on him.

“And may you grow to be proud
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As you'd have done to you”
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PostSubject: Re: The Browns   The Browns Icon_minitimeThu Mar 03, 2016 7:30 am

Jenn wrote:
The Brown's were not invited to view the Basement Tapes, they forced their way into the viewing and instead of upsetting the other parents already there (whose children were actually murdered by Dylan and Eric) they let them watch them instead of causing a big scene.

Brooks may have talked to Eric, there were witnesses who say they did see Brooks walking down the street moments before the shooting started, but whether he talked to Eric or not, there is no witnesses to that.

Brooks has openly admitted to being a liar, so take everything he says with a grain of salt.

Just wondering, what did he openly admit to lying about?
As far as the main question, his location at the time of the shootings, seen by other people show that he probably was telling the truth about seeing Eric right before hand.
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PostSubject: Re: The Browns   The Browns Icon_minitime

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