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 Anyone else hate Columbine?

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Anyone else hate Columbine? Empty
PostSubject: Anyone else hate Columbine?   Anyone else hate Columbine? Icon_minitimeThu Jun 23, 2016 6:38 pm

Is it just me that really hates coming back to this board on a daily basis, savaging for a shred of new information?

I don't mean to sound like I'm having a go at the board, the way it's run or the people who post here - I think it's a great resource. I mean more like what's the point in spending so much time looking into what two vile specimens did 17 years ago.

I don't know what I visit in hope for - someone may have drawn a new picture of Eric. Great. I can't see anymore revelations coming up in the foreseeable future. Yet Incan't help but come back.
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Anyone else hate Columbine? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anyone else hate Columbine?   Anyone else hate Columbine? Icon_minitimeThu Jun 23, 2016 7:22 pm

If I remind myself that this is a surpassed case, the boys and victims are long dead and we may never see unreleased tapes or evidence, then I wouldn't be coming back here either or holding on to the case. I guess I can't really give a straightforward answer, just something about the nostalgia and uniqueness of Columbine. As for this board, the people keep it interesting, and more and more new people decided that Columbine is a crime they wanna learn more about so it's nice for those who've been here longer to share the wisdom. Who knows, maybe years from now there'll be new dirt on the case? Sounds hopeful, but we may never know.

Will you remain my fire in this temporary paradise?

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