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 What people heard Eric/Dylan say while they were in the Library

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What people heard Eric/Dylan say while they were in the Library Empty
PostSubject: What people heard Eric/Dylan say while they were in the Library   What people heard Eric/Dylan say while they were in the Library Icon_minitimeTue Jan 10, 2017 2:11 pm

Lois Kean – RNN Television Studio Room (Sound Booth):

Did not hear any specific comments from Eric/Dylan.

Carole Weld – RNN Television Studio Room (Sound Booth):

[From outside] God damn, fuck it (cursing at his gun).

Did not hear any other specific comments from Eric/Dylan.

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What people heard Eric/Dylan say while they were in the Library Empty
PostSubject: Re: What people heard Eric/Dylan say while they were in the Library   What people heard Eric/Dylan say while they were in the Library Icon_minitimeTue Jan 10, 2017 2:12 pm

Brian Anderson – Magazine/Periodicals Room:

Heard them say they had to reload.

Heard racial slurs.

Ryan Barrett – Magazine/Periodicals Room:

We’re getting revenge on the school.

I hate black people.

One of them said they were going to the Cafeteria and they left.

Peggy Dodd – Magazine/Periodicals Room:

Did not hear any specific comments from Eric/Dylan.

Jenny Matthews – Magazine/Periodicals Room:

No information available as to what she heard while she was in the Library Magazine Room.

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What people heard Eric/Dylan say while they were in the Library Empty
PostSubject: Re: What people heard Eric/Dylan say while they were in the Library   What people heard Eric/Dylan say while they were in the Library Icon_minitimeTue Jan 10, 2017 2:14 pm

Patricia Nielson – Main Counter:

Do you believe in God?

Wait! There’s one more thing! [or, Wait a minute! One more thing! - then, a chair was smashed on top of the counter she was under].

Let’s get down to the commons.

They were going to blow the Library up.

Get up!

Continual hooting and hollering.

You think those glasses are [or look] cool?

Who do you think you are!

Kill all the jocks!


[Oh] what do we have here? a ni**er.

[After Evan Todd says I don’t want to get in trouble twice] You don’t know what trouble is, pathetic.

What do we have here, a fat boy?

You can do whatever you want with that one, I don’t care.

Evan Todd – Main Counter:

[From outside] Look at this fucker’s head.

[From outside] This is awesome.

All jocks stand up.

Hey, stop ni**er. Yeah, we don’t like ni**ers.

Woo hoo!

Wow, look at this ni**er’s brains. Yeah, we’ve never seen ni**er’s brains before.

This is about revenge time for all you jocks making us outcasts.

You believe in God? God is gay.

Dylan [ref Evan Todd] – Oh, look what we have here. Eric – What? Dylan – Just some fat fuck. Dylan – Are you a jock? [Evan Todd - No] Dylan – Well that’s good, we don’t like jocks. Let me see your face. Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t kill you. [Evan Todd – I don’t want to get in trouble] Dylan – Trouble? You don’t even know what fucking trouble is. [Evan Todd – That’s not what I meant. I mean, I don’t have a problem with you guys. I never will and I never did] Dylan – I’m going to let this fat fuck live, you can have at him if you want to. Eric – Let’s go to the commons.

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PostSubject: Re: What people heard Eric/Dylan say while they were in the Library   What people heard Eric/Dylan say while they were in the Library Icon_minitimeTue Jan 10, 2017 2:15 pm

Kacey Ruegsegger – South Computer Table:

Stop your bitching.

Everyone with a white cap [or, baseball cap] get up. Fine, I’ll just start shooting.

This is so much fun.

Isn’t this the best time of your life?

Oh, a ni**er, you’re a dead black boy.

Here, we have a ni**er, let’s kill him [or, Hey, man, I have a ni**er over here].

Going to blow up this whole fucking Library.

Amanda Stair – South Computer Table:

Everybody get up right now or we’re going to blow your fucking heads off!

One called the other “Reb”.

Look at this ni**er.

Don’t worry you’re all going to be dead in a few minutes.

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What people heard Eric/Dylan say while they were in the Library Empty
PostSubject: Re: What people heard Eric/Dylan say while they were in the Library   What people heard Eric/Dylan say while they were in the Library Icon_minitimeTue Jan 10, 2017 2:15 pm

Mark Kintgen – Table 1:

Everyone stand up.

Oh look at his brains.

Do you believe in God?

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PostSubject: Re: What people heard Eric/Dylan say while they were in the Library   What people heard Eric/Dylan say while they were in the Library Icon_minitimeTue Jan 10, 2017 2:16 pm

Lisa Kreutz – Table 2:

Are you still with me?

We’re still going to do this, right?

They were going to blow up the Library

They hated school and that school had messed them up.

Do you believe in God?

Jeanna Park – Table 2:

Heard them say they were going to blow up the library and the school.

Heard a racial comment.

Heard them joke about always wanting to do this.

Yelling and hollering.

Do you believe in God? Why?

Diwata Perez – Table 2:

You guys can’t do anything about this.

They called Isaiah a ni**er and something about a black person.

One of them said there’s a kid under there by himself. Hey kid, what’s your name? [My name is John Savage] We like you we are not going to kill you.

Do you believe in God? Why?

One said they had to reload.

They said something about setting off some bombs.

Valeen Scnurr – Table 2:

Saying something about a ni**er.

Look at his brains.

Fat boy.

Do you believe in God? Why? Why?

Going to blow up the Library.

Everybody get up [or, stand up].

Continual laughing and shouting woohoo.


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What people heard Eric/Dylan say while they were in the Library Empty
PostSubject: Re: What people heard Eric/Dylan say while they were in the Library   What people heard Eric/Dylan say while they were in the Library Icon_minitimeTue Jan 10, 2017 2:17 pm

Patricia Blair – Table 3:

They were saying for everyone to come out from under the tables.

Where are the people? Where is everyone?!

What’s so funny ni**er?

Why do you believe in God?

Let’s blow up the place [or, library].

So, this is a Library – said in a joking manner.

One of them asked the jocks to stand up.

[Laughing] Oh look at that. Look at all that blood.

One of them was saying something about using knives – to cut or stab people.

Talking about ammunition.

Asked another student why they believed in God.

Walked up to Daniel Mauser, kicked him and asked what’s so funny?

Did you see that? He jumped up at me. Did you see that? He like jolted. I can’t believe that.

They talked about a reload.

They discussed how people looked when they were dying.

They were laughing at various times.

Heather Jacobson – Table 3:

Yelled something about standing up and shooting people.

Heard them yell that they were going to blow up the school.

Heard laughing and yelling.

Asked a student for his name, when the student responded, he told him to get out of here.

What was he trying to do, charge you? (laughing).

Do you believe in God? Why?

One of them started shaking the blinds and said something about getting the attention of the cops.

After bending down and looking at her and Patti Blair, he said, pathetic.

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PostSubject: Re: What people heard Eric/Dylan say while they were in the Library   What people heard Eric/Dylan say while they were in the Library Icon_minitimeTue Jan 10, 2017 2:17 pm

Nicole Nowlen – Table 6:

Everybody get up!

Whooping, hollering and laughing.


Do you believe in God?

Are you still breathing?

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What people heard Eric/Dylan say while they were in the Library Empty
PostSubject: Re: What people heard Eric/Dylan say while they were in the Library   What people heard Eric/Dylan say while they were in the Library Icon_minitimeTue Jan 10, 2017 2:18 pm

Aaron Welsh – Table 7:

Heard a reference to shooting jocks.

Heard something to the effect of anyone with white hats stand up.

Heard one of them instruct all jocks to stand up.

Heard laughing and whooping it up.

Oh, there’s that little ni**er over there. (shots) Is he dead? Is he dead? Yeah, he’s dead.

Look at this guy’s brains and blood.

Do you believe in God? Why, how do you know?

One of them said he needed to reload.

You under there, identify yourself. Oh John. [He was told he could leave].

You all better get up and leave, we’re going to blow up the Library.

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PostSubject: Re: What people heard Eric/Dylan say while they were in the Library   What people heard Eric/Dylan say while they were in the Library Icon_minitimeTue Jan 10, 2017 2:19 pm

Brittany Bollerud – Table 8:

Cover me, cover me.

One of them said he had to reload.

One of them asked someone if they believed in God.

[Referring to John Savage] If you want to live, get out.

One of them mentioned he had always wanting to kill someone with a knife.

One of them commented about this being revenge.

One of them said they were going to blow up the fucking Library.

Joshua Lapp – Table 8:

All jocks stand up.

Anyone wearing a hat or shirt with an emblem on it, you’re dead.

Hey, here’s that little ni**er. Is he dead? Yeah, he’s dead. Wow, I didn’t think black brains could fly that far.

After shooting someone, one of them stated hey wait, look it’s his dick, I blew it off.

I’m out, give me a clip.

We’re going to blow the Library up you better get up and run now.

Oh, I hit myself.

It’s a dud [or, It didn’t go off].

They said they were going to burn the Library down.

Do you believe in God? Why?

Whooping and hollering throughout the time they were in there.

They would shoot someone then tell them to stop screaming.

Oh it’s you, get up and get out if you want to live.

[After Daniel Mauser was shot the second time] one of them asked, did he try to jump you?

I always wanted to kill somebody with a knife.

Wait, there’s something I always wanted to do [chair slam on Main Counter].

While they were in the Library they did use each other’s names – Eric and Dylan.

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What people heard Eric/Dylan say while they were in the Library Empty
PostSubject: Re: What people heard Eric/Dylan say while they were in the Library   What people heard Eric/Dylan say while they were in the Library Icon_minitimeTue Jan 10, 2017 2:20 pm

Sara Houy – Table 10:

Everybody get up.

We’ve been waiting to do this all our lives.

There was a reference made to being made fun of by the jocks.

Oh, look here’s that fucking ni**er.

They said they were going to blow the whole Library up.

Oh, a fucking nerd with glasses.

Nice glasses.


When asked by a student, what are you doing? One of them said we’re killing people.

Celebrating like yeah and yahoo.

Who’s under there? [John] John who? [John Savage] We like you, you can go [or, leave] [thank you, thank you].

One said he was out of shells [or, ammunition].

One said he dropped a clip.

One said he always wanted to kill people with a knife.

Seth Houy – Table 10:

This is for all the times we’ve gotten crap all these years [or, been made fun of]. We’ve been waiting our whole lives to do this [or, We’ve always wanted to do this].

Everybody stand up.

We’re blowing up the Library.

All the jocks are going to die. Anybody with a white hat on is going to die.

You with the white hat, get up.

Look at the kid with the glasses.

They called somebody a nerd.

Oh, look at the little ni**er.

When asked by a student what are you doing? One of them replied, we’re just [going around] killing people.

One of them said he always wanted to kill someone with a knife.

I’m out of shells. I got to go reload.

I lost a clip. I’m out of ammo. I got to reload.

Who’s under that table? [John Savage] You’ve never done anything to us, we’ll let you live [or, I know you, I’ll let you live. Get up, get up]. Run.

Crystal Woodman – Table 10:

They would “yippee” and “wahoo” like a victory cheer after shooting.

Who’s ready to die next? Who’s next?

Hey, you in the white hat.

There’s that ni**er.

Heard them saying they needed to reload and that they were out of ammunition. They were
talking about clips and ammo.

Who is that? [John Savage] You haven’t done anything to us. Get out.

[What are you doing?] Killing people. Hey John get out of here we’d like to blow this Library up.

We’ve wanted to do this our whole lives.

I’ve always wanted to kill somebody with a knife.

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What people heard Eric/Dylan say while they were in the Library Empty
PostSubject: Re: What people heard Eric/Dylan say while they were in the Library   What people heard Eric/Dylan say while they were in the Library Icon_minitimeTue Jan 10, 2017 2:21 pm

John Savage – Table 11:

Woo hoo.

Everybody get up. We’re going to blow up the fucking Library.

Everybody wearing a white hat get up.

Another comment made with reference to jocks standing up.

Hey look, it’s the little ni**er.

[Laughter] I can’t believe I did that (pause) cool.

Do you believe in God? Why do you believe in God?

Do you have the bag? Where’s the bag? Okay.

Let’s go kill some cops.

Eric – Who is under this table? Identify yourself! [It’s John]. Dylan – John Savage? [Yeah]. [Hi Dylan, what are you doing?] Dylan – Oh, just killing people. [Are you going to kill me?] Dylan – No dude, just get out of here, just run. Run.

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PostSubject: Re: What people heard Eric/Dylan say while they were in the Library   What people heard Eric/Dylan say while they were in the Library Icon_minitimeTue Jan 10, 2017 2:22 pm

Lindsay Elmore – Table 12:

All the jocks get up.

So, are you a jock, jockboy?

Yelling at someone using the word ni**er.

Do you believe in God? Why do you believe in God?

One of them said he needed new [or, more] clips.

Hey, John Savage, what are you doing here? You better get out. We’re going to blow the Library up.

So, he tried to jump you? [or, Was he trying to jump out at you?] Yeah.

One said he always wanted to kill someone with a knife.

Rebecca Parker – Table 12:

Everyone’s afraid.

Look at the scared people under the tables.

Now I finally get my revenge.

All the jocks stand up.

Heard a racial comment.

One of them asked where his backpack was, oh, there it is. One of them was going through a backpack then stated he had run out of ammo then said, oh well, I’ll just use the shells.

Who’s under there? Oh, hey, what are you doing in here? We’re going to blow up the Library.

Did he try to grab you?

I’ve always wanted to use a knife, you get more blood.

They continued to talk about blowing up the Library.

Oh, it didn’t work.

One of them called out the name “Reb”.

One of them called out a name starting with “D” or ”V”.

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PostSubject: Re: What people heard Eric/Dylan say while they were in the Library   What people heard Eric/Dylan say while they were in the Library Icon_minitimeTue Jan 10, 2017 2:23 pm

Jessica Holliday – Table 13:

Jessica stated that they came to kill anybody they felt like killing and they had fun doing it because they laughed the whole time.

When they first came into the Library, they were talking about what they were going to do now.

Here’s a ni**er. He doesn’t deserve to live. Shoot him.

One of them made a reference to using his knife, indicating he had never cut someone before, pointing out that it would be fun.

I’ve got to reload.

One of them asked someone what his name was, [John Savage], I like you, I’ll let you live.

Amber Huntington – Table 13:

Told everyone to stand up.

While reloading and laughing, they talked about killing people.

When asked what are you doing? They replied Killing people and then they laughed.

Hi John, get out of the school we’re going to blow it up.

A lot of yelling, swearing and laughing while they were in the Library.

Athena Lagos – Table 13:

All white headed jocks stand up we’re going to kill you first.


I’ve always wanted to do this, this is so much fun.

Are you John Savage? [yes] You can go. Get up, let him go.

I can’t find that clip or get the clip. He said something about needing more ammunition.

Use your knife. I’ve always wanted to do this, this is so much fun.

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What people heard Eric/Dylan say while they were in the Library Empty
PostSubject: Re: What people heard Eric/Dylan say while they were in the Library   What people heard Eric/Dylan say while they were in the Library Icon_minitimeTue Jan 10, 2017 2:23 pm

Peter Ball – Table 14:

Everyone get up!

Cheer and woo hoo.

Heard them discussing reloading their weapons.

While piling stuff on a table, he heard them talking about ammunition supplies and what type of ammo would be used next – I have so many of these clips and so much of that. I ran out of that clip.

One of them made a reference to using a knife on someone.

[Near Table 11] Who’s under there? Oh, we know you, get out of here. We’re going to blow up the school. Go, get up!

Jennifer Doyle – Table 14:

Told everyone to stand up.

You know what else I’ve wanted to do? Yeah, stab someone.

Get out from under the tables!

The library’s going to go.

What’s your name? [John Savage] Oh, we know you, get out of here.

Stephen Austin Eubanks – Table 14:

Get up!

We’re going to blow up the Library.

I’m out of ammo or I’m out - referring to the need to reload.

Asked by a student, what are you doing? Dylan said “killing people,” then told him to leave.

One of them saying something about a knife and something he always wanted to do.

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PostSubject: Re: What people heard Eric/Dylan say while they were in the Library   What people heard Eric/Dylan say while they were in the Library Icon_minitimeTue Jan 10, 2017 2:24 pm

Makai Hall – Table 15: [pages 008886-008892]

Who is that? Is that John Savage? Then one of them told Savage to get out of there.

One of them was saying he was out of ammunition or needed additional clips.

Patrick Ireland – Table 15:

Anybody with a white hat [or, a jock] stand up!

This is for all the shit you put us through.

Daniel Steepleton – Table 15:

This is for the four years of bullshit you’ve given us! [or, we had to put up with!]

The cops are outside.

Everyone with a white hat stand up! [or, All the jocks with white hats stand up!]


Die … get on the floor!

Stand up ni**er boy!

Do you believe in God?

Get out! [reference to John Savage]

Let me see your knife, I’ve always wanted to do this. Oh, that’s gross.

Kathy Park – Table 15:

Get up ni**er.


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PostSubject: Re: What people heard Eric/Dylan say while they were in the Library   What people heard Eric/Dylan say while they were in the Library Icon_minitimeTue Jan 10, 2017 2:24 pm

Craig Scott – Table 16:

I’ve been waiting for this for a long time.

Do you believe in God? (asked twice)

Getting a fucking jock. Get anyone with white hats.

Are you a jock?

There’s a fucking ni**er over here. Get that fucking ni**er.

I wonder what it’s like to use a knife on someone.

Heard a comment about somebody’s brains.

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PostSubject: Re: What people heard Eric/Dylan say while they were in the Library   What people heard Eric/Dylan say while they were in the Library Icon_minitimeTue Jan 10, 2017 2:25 pm

Heidi Johnson – Table 17:

Everybody get up from underneath the tables if you want to live! Get ready to die.

If you have a white hat on, get ready to die.

We have a ni**er here.

[Standing by Isaiah Shoels] One of them said, Is he dead yet? Shoot him again.

They asked someone if he played sports.

There’s a cop, let’s get that cop.

They discussed ways of blowing up the Library.

They said that this was the best day of their lives.

One of them said he needed to get shells.

One of them called a girl a bitch that was in a cubby under the south computer table.

[Laughing] Oh man I shot my nose. Why’d you do that?

One of them said he wanted to cut somebody. He wanted to see how it felt to cut someone.

They were making fun of a kid with glasses.

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PostSubject: Re: What people heard Eric/Dylan say while they were in the Library   What people heard Eric/Dylan say while they were in the Library Icon_minitimeTue Jan 10, 2017 2:25 pm

Emily Wyant – Table 18:

Who wants to be killed next?

We’re going to blow up the Library.

One of them made a comment about this being for all the stuff Columbine put us through.

One of them making comments about his brains.

One of them made a comment about cops.

Is he dead? [referring to Isaiah Shoels]. Shoot him again.

They kept yelling for people in white hats to stand up.

I got myself.

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PostSubject: Re: What people heard Eric/Dylan say while they were in the Library   What people heard Eric/Dylan say while they were in the Library Icon_minitimeTue Jan 10, 2017 2:26 pm

Andrew Fair – Table 20:

This is for all these years of shit we’ve had to go through [or, you’ve put us through].

Everyone stand up or I’m going to kill you all.

Look what we have here. We got a ni**er here.

Laughing and chuckling.

Who’s next?

You know I’ve always wanted to do this.

You better get the fuck out of here. We’re going to blow this fucking place up.

We have a problem here … (2 shots) … Done.

Steven Greenwood – Table 20:

All jocks stand up.

We’ll get the guys with the white hats!

Hey, here’s a ni**er.

Do you believe in God?

Stand up, identify yourself.

You’re actually worried about getting into trouble.

Byron Kirkland – Table 20:

All jocks in here are going to die. All jocks stand up.

One of them mentioned shooting anyone wearing a hat.

Peek-a-boo (Kirkland later admitted he did not hear this).

Look at this little ni**er. Is he dead? Yes.

Got to reload.

I’ve wanted to kill someone with a knife.

We’re going to burn this place up.

We’re going to blow up the whole Library.

Stephanie Salmon – Table 20:

This is for all the crap you gave us [or, for all the crap this year].

Everyone with a white hat stand up.

[Laughing] look at these brains.

There’s a ni**er.

Laughing – seemed like they were having fun.

We’re going to torch this Library.

There’s something I’ve always wanted to do – then a reference to a knife & cutting or stabbing.

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PostSubject: Re: What people heard Eric/Dylan say while they were in the Library   What people heard Eric/Dylan say while they were in the Library Icon_minitimeTue Jan 10, 2017 2:27 pm

Aaron Cohn – Between Table 20 & Bookshelves along the West Windows:

How about you big boy, you want to get shot today? Why don’t you get up?

I don’t like you fucking ni**ers [or, I hate ni**ers].

Tell me if that ni**er is dead. I want to know if that ni**er is dead [or, is he dead? is he dead?]. Yeah, he’s dead.

All you jocks stand up, we are going to kill every single one of you.


This is great [laughing].

Bree Pasquale – Between Table 20 & Bookshelves along the West Windows:

All you jocks stand up, then he made a reference to white hats.

One of them made a statement about getting revenge – This is for all you put us through this last year.

The pigs are here.


I hit myself in the face.

After a shot, one of them said [redacted] while laughing.

She was asked more than once if she wanted to die. [Laughing] Everyone’s going to die. Shoot her. No, we’re going to blow up the school anyway.

Oh look, it’s a ni**er.

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What people heard Eric/Dylan say while they were in the Library Empty
PostSubject: Re: What people heard Eric/Dylan say while they were in the Library   What people heard Eric/Dylan say while they were in the Library Icon_minitimeWed Jan 11, 2017 5:05 pm

Quote :
After a shot, one of them said [redacted] while laughing.

I wonder what Bree said here...
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What people heard Eric/Dylan say while they were in the Library Empty
PostSubject: Re: What people heard Eric/Dylan say while they were in the Library   What people heard Eric/Dylan say while they were in the Library Icon_minitimeThu Jan 12, 2017 10:51 am

Fantastic series of posts. Thank you.
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What people heard Eric/Dylan say while they were in the Library Empty
PostSubject: Re: What people heard Eric/Dylan say while they were in the Library   What people heard Eric/Dylan say while they were in the Library Icon_minitimeThu Jan 12, 2017 11:34 am

Thank you for the compliment and you are welcome.

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PostSubject: Re: What people heard Eric/Dylan say while they were in the Library   What people heard Eric/Dylan say while they were in the Library Icon_minitime

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What people heard Eric/Dylan say while they were in the Library
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