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 If Eric or Dylan had a younger sibling at Columbine

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If Eric or Dylan had a younger sibling at Columbine Empty
PostSubject: If Eric or Dylan had a younger sibling at Columbine   If Eric or Dylan had a younger sibling at Columbine Icon_minitimeWed Apr 26, 2017 4:06 pm

Something I was thinking about the other day: would things have happened differently if Eric or Dylan had a younger brother or sister at Columbine? Would they have warned them, or even gone NBK somewhere else instead? It didn't seem to me like they wanted to hurt anyone close/related to them.

It would be so interesting to see a dynamic that either one of the boys would have had with a young sibling who may have even looked up to them.

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If Eric or Dylan had a younger sibling at Columbine Empty
PostSubject: Re: If Eric or Dylan had a younger sibling at Columbine   If Eric or Dylan had a younger sibling at Columbine Icon_minitimeSun Apr 30, 2017 2:22 pm

Your question presents an interesting thought, I think it could of gone two ways. Much like Eric and Dylan's friends, their relatives would be "out for lunch" or "playing video games" at a friends. Then I think about what Dylan said in the basement tapes about how his family added on to the rage so maybe they wouldn't of even been a thought. Eric and Dylan were going to try and kill everyone they could, even though I think its way more then a coincidence that most of their close friends were "off school grounds" they were still going for the highest kill count. The reason I said that is because they most definitely knew they probably were going to kill people they knew and even some they liked as well. In my closing thought I just think their relatives would of been "off school grounds"

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If Eric or Dylan had a younger sibling at Columbine Empty
PostSubject: Re: If Eric or Dylan had a younger sibling at Columbine   If Eric or Dylan had a younger sibling at Columbine Icon_minitimeSun Apr 30, 2017 2:33 pm

On the goodbye message, they say that if their friends live, they can have their stuff. They seemed to acknowledge that they might physically hurt loved ones. I think a younger sibling would have gotten the same consideration.

Also, a younger sibling would be the one most likely to find out about the plans and spill the beans.
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If Eric or Dylan had a younger sibling at Columbine Empty
PostSubject: Re: If Eric or Dylan had a younger sibling at Columbine   If Eric or Dylan had a younger sibling at Columbine Icon_minitimeSun Apr 30, 2017 4:17 pm

Assuming they would have similar feelings as they had with their older brothers:
- Dylan wouldn't care
- Eric would and would then convince Dylan to go NBK elsewhere, or would first warn his brother to stay away.

Then again, Byron Klebold had drug problems early and overall seems to have worked hard to earn Dylan's animosity. Eric's brotehr wasn;t like that and it seems that he cared aboutt Eric and that's why Eric respected him much more than Dylan his brother.

So maybe its not a case of differences between Eric and Dylan, maybe its just a reflection of how Kevin Harris was different from Byron Klebold.

Either way, it would depend on how much Eric and Dylan would care about their younger siblings. On one hand they were willing to risk Nate's life and the lives of other people that they hanged out with. On the other hand, perhaps they would care about their own blood more. Dunno.

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PostSubject: Re: If Eric or Dylan had a younger sibling at Columbine   If Eric or Dylan had a younger sibling at Columbine Icon_minitime

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If Eric or Dylan had a younger sibling at Columbine
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