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 Were they trying to shoot the principal?

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Were they trying to shoot the principal? Empty
PostSubject: Were they trying to shoot the principal?   Were they trying to shoot the principal? Icon_minitimeMon Dec 04, 2017 10:36 am

Frank always tells the same story "a gunmen in a white t-shirt and backwards cap with a gun the size of a cannon fired at me as I came out of my office, and the glass shattered behind me"
It is unclear who that is though as it was Eric in white, Dylan in the cap but were they just firing in his general direction at other people, or do you think one of them was specifically trying to take him out?
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Were they trying to shoot the principal? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Were they trying to shoot the principal?   Were they trying to shoot the principal? Icon_minitimeMon Dec 04, 2017 11:48 am

spidEr wrote:
Frank always tells the same story "a gunmen in a white t-shirt and backwards cap with a gun the size of a cannon fired at me as I came out of my office, and the glass shattered behind me"
It is unclear who that is though as it was Eric in white, Dylan in the cap but were they just firing in his general direction at other people, or do you think one of them was specifically trying to take him out?

I think DeAngelis was confused in the chaos as many were that day, and just combined the appearance of E&D. Ending up with a shooter in white with a backwards cap on.

I also think its more likely they were trying to injure/kill pretty much anyone they came across. Although I also think they probably wouldn't have minded killing him, as he was known for being easy on the Jocks.
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Were they trying to shoot the principal?
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