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 Outside action against school bullies?

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PostSubject: Outside action against school bullies?   Outside action against school bullies? Icon_minitimeSun Aug 12, 2018 11:15 pm

If someone is getting bullied at school and the school isn't doing anything about it? Can you report it to the authorities yourself? I've been thinking about this for the past few days. In another words, can you have them arrested if the bully is harrassing you and doesn't stop?
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Outside action against school bullies? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Outside action against school bullies?   Outside action against school bullies? Icon_minitimeMon Aug 13, 2018 12:09 am

Depends entirely on the age of the child who is the harasser. If they are over 18 something may happen (although prison time or anything drastic won't, it will just be an offense added to their criminal history) but if they are under 18 it will most likely be ignored.

So no, you cannot have them arrested and sent to prison over simple bullying or harassment. They could be held for a short amount of time but that's only if it involves physical violence.

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Outside action against school bullies? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Outside action against school bullies?   Outside action against school bullies? Icon_minitimeMon Aug 13, 2018 12:24 am

I don't think you can get someone arrested if they call you a faggot. 

Well maybe if you live in a place like the UK where you need a license just to look at porn websites.

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Outside action against school bullies? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Outside action against school bullies?   Outside action against school bullies? Icon_minitimeMon Aug 13, 2018 1:56 am

QuestionMark wrote:
I don't think you can get someone arrested if they call you a faggot. 

Well maybe if you live in a place like the UK where you need a license just to look at porn websites.
Well, if they call you a faggot, beat the crap out of them after school. I'm just analyzing what my options could've been in middle school, Probably not much right sadly?
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Outside action against school bullies? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Outside action against school bullies?   Outside action against school bullies? Icon_minitimeMon Aug 13, 2018 5:27 am

bradt93 wrote:
QuestionMark wrote:
I don't think you can get someone arrested if they call you a faggot. 

Well maybe if you live in a place like the UK where you need a license just to look at porn websites.
Well, if they call you a faggot, beat the crap out of them after school. I'm just analyzing what my options could've been in middle school, Probably not much right sadly?
No point dwelling on the past. If I sat around and thought about what kids said to me in school when I was 12 I'd be wasting my time. You're better off putting this energy into something useful.
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Outside action against school bullies? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Outside action against school bullies?   Outside action against school bullies? Icon_minitime

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