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 Mentioning columbine in school...

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PostSubject: Mentioning columbine in school...   Mentioning columbine in school... Icon_minitimeMon Sep 10, 2018 6:26 pm

So today we were playing kahoot in class and we were choosing names. And there was this kid (he was a boy) Who was naming the bots that had E & D names and one that said GOD. What do you think about it?
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PostSubject: Re: Mentioning columbine in school...   Mentioning columbine in school... Icon_minitimeMon Sep 10, 2018 6:46 pm

I don't know this kid or how he usually acts so I can't really say it's nothing to be worried about. However, it might just be a kid doing edgy jokes or just wanting to be edgy in general. All my friends would be Tupac or Stalin and stuff like that, not quite the same but all in all it was just a joke to them. Hell, my one friend is also interested in Columbine and I'm pretty sure she used Reb as a name once just to mess around and didn't mean anything by it.

On a different note, my one friend and I would make inside jokes about it in school and be idiots. She was really good at photoshop and would bring in cakes to our Spanish class, and one time she brought in a really weird photoshopped version of Eric, Tom, Dylan and a bunch of dinosaurs and everyone thought it was hilarious and knew who they were, I'll have to find the picture and share it. I never thought anything of it cause I knew my friend would never do something like shoot up our school or anything and I sure as hell wouldn't, but I would be concerned if I saw someone else do it or make references about it, if that makes any kind of sense at all.
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PostSubject: Re: Mentioning columbine in school...   Mentioning columbine in school... Icon_minitimeMon Sep 10, 2018 7:36 pm

Ruby_ wrote:
I don't know this kid or how he usually acts so I can't really say it's nothing to be worried about. However, it might just be a kid doing edgy jokes or just wanting to be edgy in general. All my friends would be Tupac or Stalin and stuff like that, not quite the same but all in all it was just a joke to them. Hell, my one friend is also interested in Columbine and I'm pretty sure she used Reb as a name once just to mess around and didn't mean anything by it.

On a different note, my one friend and I would make inside jokes about it in school and be idiots. She was really good at photoshop and would bring in cakes to our Spanish class, and one time she brought in a really weird photoshopped version of Eric, Tom, Dylan and a bunch of dinosaurs and everyone thought it was hilarious and knew who they were, I'll have to find the picture and share it. I never thought anything of it cause I knew my friend would never do something like shoot up our school or anything and I sure as hell wouldn't, but I would be concerned if I saw someone else do it or make references about it, if that makes any kind of sense at all.
That's true. I actually did a project for columbine last year for a big event in US history
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PostSubject: Re: Mentioning columbine in school...   Mentioning columbine in school... Icon_minitime

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