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 Shootings that had more injuries then deaths

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2 posters


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Shootings that had more injuries then deaths Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shootings that had more injuries then deaths   Shootings that had more injuries then deaths Icon_minitimeThu Nov 08, 2018 7:06 pm

It would be easier to list the ones where there were more deaths than injuries. Those are far more rare.

I looked down into the valley and thought about Heaven, Earth, and the universe, and how insignificant we all are. But I felt so important then, because I had been chosen to hear the word of God.
- Peter Sutcliffe
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Shootings that had more injuries then deaths Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shootings that had more injuries then deaths   Shootings that had more injuries then deaths Icon_minitimeThu Nov 08, 2018 7:07 pm

D-FENS1993 wrote:
It would be easier to list the ones where there were more deaths than injuries. Those are far more rare.

I could make a thread about that. Maybe I should even make one where there were NO injuries
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Tommy QTR

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Shootings that had more injuries then deaths Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shootings that had more injuries then deaths   Shootings that had more injuries then deaths Icon_minitimeThu Nov 08, 2018 7:31 pm

Nanterre Massacre: 8-19

Hoddle Street massacre: 7-19

Luby's Cafeteria Shooting: 23-27(19 by gunfire)

2016 Munich shooting: 9-36(4 by gunfire)

Alphen aan den Rijn shopping mall shooting: 6-17

Cave of the Patriarchs massacre: 29-125

Also 11 people were injured in the Cumbrian Shootings, not 25.

"Life's short but I wanna die."

-Lil Peep
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Shootings that had more injuries then deaths Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shootings that had more injuries then deaths   Shootings that had more injuries then deaths Icon_minitimeThu Nov 08, 2018 7:33 pm

Tommy QTR wrote:

Also 11 people were injured in the Cumbrian Shootings, not 25.

Wikipedia lied to me
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Shootings that had more injuries then deaths Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shootings that had more injuries then deaths   Shootings that had more injuries then deaths Icon_minitimeFri Nov 09, 2018 2:06 am

TheOne99 wrote:

30. 2010 Cumbria Shootings: 12-25

11 people were injured, not 25.
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Shootings that had more injuries then deaths Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shootings that had more injuries then deaths   Shootings that had more injuries then deaths Icon_minitimeFri Nov 09, 2018 3:10 am

Ziamber II wrote:
TheOne99 wrote:

30. 2010 Cumbria Shootings: 12-25

11 people were injured, not 25.

Ik ik my mistake
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PostSubject: Re: Shootings that had more injuries then deaths   Shootings that had more injuries then deaths Icon_minitime

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