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 Eric, Dylan and racism

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Gold Digger
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Eric, Dylan and racism  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eric, Dylan and racism    Eric, Dylan and racism  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Mar 01, 2023 11:37 pm

Well, as a black young woman myself, I can honestly say that I don't believe Eric or Dylan were racist. I believe they spewed racist ideologies to make themselves seem as dangerous and as menacing and as evil as possible to the public and to those that they took out. With Eric, he reportedly had a black female friend in New York, and he said he hated racists, but at the same time, he hated blacks and other non-white races. So I thnk Eric, and Dylan did it for shock value. However, I think had a black kid been super cool with Eric all throughout Columbine, I think he would've been cool with them.

Dylan, on the other hand, the same thing but I don't think Dylan ever really had any interaction with black kids, like up close and personal interactions with black kids. So while I don't think Dylan was racist. I don't think he would've understood black culture and probably not even Hispanic/Latino/Mexican culture. I picture Dylan as believing secret stereotypes about blacks and those of Spanish descent but not truly being racist, until the day of NBK, and again, I believe that was for shock value. Also, who's to say they were drunk on the day of NBK like they were when they made the basement tapes? Being drunk can make you say some vulgar things that you wouldn't normally say. And if they were drunk, even just a little on that day, that would make sense, because perhaps they felt they would need to be drunk to carry out what they were about to carry out.

Anyway, to make a long story short, I don't hold their racist rhetoric against them, because I believe everything they openly did and said was for shock value and because hurt people hurt people, but not because they actually meant what they said.

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Eric, Dylan and racism  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eric, Dylan and racism    Eric, Dylan and racism  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Mar 01, 2023 11:47 pm

Szabo wrote:
Norwegian wrote:
Nope, and thats irrelevant anyway. They taunted Daniel Mauser, too, before shooting him. They allowed a jock, Evan Todd, to survive. So this was a random shooting. It didn't really matter cause they wanted to kill people. It was a random shooting.

..but why specifically attempt to drag Isaiah out and no-one else? If after taunting Mauser ("Nice glasses") they had attempted to pull him out from under the table to shoot him instead, I'd still wonder the same thing. It just seems much more personal.

Who's to say how Isaiah treated E&D during the school years? Sure, his parents and other classmates said Isaiah was nice and friendly and innocent to the bullying, but wouldn't they say that any way to hide the bullying factor? Because Isaiah was a part of the jocks; Because I can tell you firsthand as a black young woman who went to a primarily black high school, black kids can be so harsh ass damn bullies too, they were to me, and sometimes they're worse than white kids.
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Eric, Dylan and racism  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eric, Dylan and racism    Eric, Dylan and racism  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Apr 06, 2023 3:23 pm

42099_4EVA wrote:
Szabo wrote:
Norwegian wrote:
Nope, and thats irrelevant anyway. They taunted Daniel Mauser, too, before shooting him. They allowed a jock, Evan Todd, to survive. So this was a random shooting. It didn't really matter cause they wanted to kill people. It was a random shooting.

..but why specifically attempt to drag Isaiah out and no-one else? If after taunting Mauser ("Nice glasses") they had attempted to pull him out from under the table to shoot him instead, I'd still wonder the same thing. It just seems much more personal.

Who's to say how Isaiah treated E&D during the school years? Sure, his parents and other classmates said Isaiah was nice and friendly and innocent to the bullying, but wouldn't they say that any way to hide the bullying factor? Because Isaiah was a part of the jocks; Because I can tell you firsthand as a black young woman who went to a primarily black high school, black kids can be so harsh ass damn bullies too, they were to me, and sometimes they're worse than white kids.

Or Eric and Dylan were just absolutely nigger hating neo-nazis who secretly joined the KKK....Whatever some or a majority of you wish to believe because you DON'T know childhood psychology. [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
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Lunkhead McGrath

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Eric, Dylan and racism  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: christopher hitchens   Eric, Dylan and racism  - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Apr 11, 2023 12:09 am

Quote :

Who's to say how Isaiah treated E&D during the school years? Sure, his parents and other classmates said Isaiah was nice and friendly and innocent to the bullying, but wouldn't they say that any way to hide the bullying factor? .

"That which can be introduced without evidence can be dismissed without evidence."

Don't take this personally, but a LOT of people at this board could stand to review that axiom.
(You know there are people here who think that Rocky Hoffschneider *personally* instigated the ketchup tampon incident, right?)

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Eric, Dylan and racism  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eric, Dylan and racism    Eric, Dylan and racism  - Page 2 Icon_minitime

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