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 Adam's Suicide Pictures released + theory

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Adam's Suicide Pictures released + theory Empty
PostSubject: Adam's Suicide Pictures released + theory   Adam's Suicide Pictures released + theory Icon_minitimeThu Jan 02, 2020 11:03 pm

Hi, I recently made a video on my YouTube retaining to Adam Lanza suicide corpse evidence and rather or not I think the full photos will get released. Heres a link if you wanna check it out!
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Adam's Suicide Pictures released + theory Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adam's Suicide Pictures released + theory   Adam's Suicide Pictures released + theory Icon_minitimeThu Jan 02, 2020 11:47 pm

Thanks! somehow I missed photo 4 and the shots from outside of his knees. I wonder too if we'll ever see more but i highly doubt it.

Sometimes clowns must wear a frown and turn the world upside down
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Adam's Suicide Pictures released + theory Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adam's Suicide Pictures released + theory   Adam's Suicide Pictures released + theory Icon_minitimeThu Jan 02, 2020 11:48 pm

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] All we can do is hope. I might try to submit an FOI request soon. I’ve been thinking about it since June, but submitting forms to the government gives me worries.
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Adam's Suicide Pictures released + theory Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adam's Suicide Pictures released + theory   Adam's Suicide Pictures released + theory Icon_minitimeThu Jan 02, 2020 11:56 pm

Definitely I would be a little worried to due to the nature of this case.

Sometimes clowns must wear a frown and turn the world upside down
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Adam's Suicide Pictures released + theory Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adam's Suicide Pictures released + theory   Adam's Suicide Pictures released + theory Icon_minitimeFri Jan 03, 2020 10:58 am

smiggles wrote:
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] All we can do is hope. I might try to submit an FOI request soon. I’ve been thinking about it since June, but submitting forms to the government gives me worries.

If you (or anyone else) are able to get these documents I would hold you in the highest regard, even higher than Saint Crying Hampster.
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Adam's Suicide Pictures released + theory Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adam's Suicide Pictures released + theory   Adam's Suicide Pictures released + theory Icon_minitimeMon Feb 03, 2020 7:53 am

If the rest of his photos will be released such as his dead body. It would be very big

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PostSubject: Re: Adam's Suicide Pictures released + theory   Adam's Suicide Pictures released + theory Icon_minitime

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