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 Mass killings with unknown preparators?

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Mass killings with unknown preparators? Empty
PostSubject: Mass killings with unknown preparators?   Mass killings with unknown preparators? Icon_minitimeMon Sep 25, 2023 7:03 pm

The only mass killing with an unknown perpetrator I know about is the 2008 Lane Bryant mass shooting that killed 5.
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Mass killings with unknown preparators? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mass killings with unknown preparators?   Mass killings with unknown preparators? Icon_minitimeMon Sep 25, 2023 7:12 pm

This is somewhat outdated but:

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Mass killings with unknown preparators? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mass killings with unknown preparators?   Mass killings with unknown preparators? Icon_minitimeMon Sep 25, 2023 7:14 pm

Carnations wrote:
This is somewhat outdated but:
 Thank you for this.

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Mass killings with unknown preparators? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mass killings with unknown preparators?   Mass killings with unknown preparators? Icon_minitimeTue Sep 26, 2023 12:30 am

I'm not very interested in unsolved mass murders so I don't know many, I would say the most interesting case is the Hebei Lime Plant Stabbings with 8 Deads.

I know of several cases where the name of the perpetrator is unknown or at least I don't know, but it is probably not the definition of "Unknown" you are looking for, but if you are interested, I recommend you search about the borno shooting of 2022, a Nigerian soldier killed 7 and injured 16 others before fleeing and being later arrested, although a motive has not been stated, it is believed that drugs and a PTSD trauma could have played a role, I was a little surprised to learn about it since I had been looking for cases in Africa for months and I found out about that incident recently despite it being very deadly.

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Mass killings with unknown preparators? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mass killings with unknown preparators?   Mass killings with unknown preparators? Icon_minitimeTue Sep 26, 2023 12:34 pm

Isabell.Sholl wrote:
I'm not very interested in unsolved mass murders so I don't know many, I would say the most interesting case is the Hebei Lime Plant Stabbings with 8 Deads.

I know of several cases where the name of the perpetrator is unknown or at least I don't know, but it is probably not the definition of "Unknown" you are looking for, but if you are interested, I recommend you search about the borno shooting of 2022, a Nigerian soldier killed 7 and injured 16 others before fleeing and being later arrested, although a motive has not been stated, it is believed that drugs and a PTSD trauma could have played a role, I was a little surprised to learn about it since I had been looking for cases in Africa for months and I found out about that incident recently despite it being very deadly.
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Posts : 220
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Mass killings with unknown preparators? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mass killings with unknown preparators?   Mass killings with unknown preparators? Icon_minitimeSun Dec 17, 2023 7:20 am

2018 Rakai school arson
21 june 2000 Lycée central St-Gabriel massacre (unclear) (in french only)

"I am not obliged to give further explanation of my actions. I have  known but only one person who has value as a human being and I thought I  was in love with her. I feel bad that she rejected me and I hope that,  with what I will do on Friday, she will change her opinion of me.”
- Dimitris Patmanidis, 2009

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Mass killings with unknown preparators? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mass killings with unknown preparators?   Mass killings with unknown preparators? Icon_minitime

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