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 Do you think Eric and Dylan even like

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Do you think Eric and Dylan even like  Empty
PostSubject: Do you think Eric and Dylan even like    Do you think Eric and Dylan even like  Icon_minitimeTue Sep 23, 2014 9:25 am

Robyn Anderson?

From the basement tapes: "Thank's to the gun show & to Robyn” and “Robyn is very cool”

I don´t think they like her very much. They only used her. I know many hate her because of the guns and that she didn´t get a punishment. But let us see... if she didn´t help them with the gun, another had done it, I am really sure. I remember that there was a classmate of Dylan and Eric who was 18 and Eric asked him to buy him a gun (ok we don´t know if it true. but maybe)

I heard she is living in Colorado, has kids, working as a teacher and was two time married. Don´t know if all of this is true. But the info she is living in Colorado and working as a teacher is save.
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Do you think Eric and Dylan even like  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Do you think Eric and Dylan even like    Do you think Eric and Dylan even like  Icon_minitimeTue Sep 23, 2014 9:42 am

where did you get all that info of her? and answering your question, I think that they liked her, I am not pretty sure about Eric but Dylan had to liked her since he accepted to go to the prom with her and used to talk with her, perhaps it was not a friendship like the one he had with Devon Adams but I dont think that he and both of them hated her or something like that.

The most terrifying fact about the universe is not that it is hostile but that it is indifferent; but if we can come to terms with this indifference and accept the challenges of life within the boundaries of death — however mutable man may be able to make them — our existence as a species can have genuine meaning and fulfillment. However vast the darkness, we must supply our own light
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Do you think Eric and Dylan even like  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Do you think Eric and Dylan even like    Do you think Eric and Dylan even like  Icon_minitimeTue Sep 23, 2014 10:13 am

Just google and tumblr. someone on tumblr posted messages between zach, nate and robyn from the past.
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Do you think Eric and Dylan even like  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Do you think Eric and Dylan even like    Do you think Eric and Dylan even like  Icon_minitimeTue Sep 23, 2014 5:06 pm

Some things just don't add up to me, and that's because people sometimes exaggerate on some info like Dylan being "painfully shy". To some (including me) that means he couldn't talk to any member of the opposite sex and blushing like mad or mumbling in distress. But since he also had Devon, Robyn and god knows who many more girls as friends we don't know about, some of this info regarding his shyness is imho blown out of proportion.

Heck, I've been a teenage girl and judging Robyns' looks (sorry, just my opinion) from pictures and all she seemed pretty plain or even below that, add to that the fact that she was at least chubby if not fat and her piggy face (sorry again, but I can't help noticing it) won't really help her in getting with Dylan. Ultraromantic or not, Dylan did have standards, so did Eric and as far as I can see they only asked out pretty faced slim or sliiiiightly chubby girls at best. Imho Robyn is very cute but I'm trying to judge from a teenage boys' perspective... and we all know what they all want.

It always upset me how Robyn liked him but he never liked her more than a friend. As far as we know she was a genuine nice girl with below average plain looks, so her chance was very slim on getting with any of them two. Plus, didn't Eric fight/didn't get along with Devon and possibly Robyn (as in they didn't have heart to heart but not a full-blown war kind of way) ?

Maybe Robyn didn't try hard enough, sadly we don't have such details at hand. All we can do is guess. My own guess is that she liked him from the shadows and it was somewhat obvious hence others noticing it aswell, but she didn't go through with it/ didn't act upon her feelings. I wonder what would've been the outcome if the past became Robyn X Dylan. Oh and a teenage guy saying "you're very cool" ? Screams FRIENDZONED to me. But that's just me. :-)
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Do you think Eric and Dylan even like  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Do you think Eric and Dylan even like    Do you think Eric and Dylan even like  Icon_minitimeTue Sep 23, 2014 5:19 pm

Of course Robyn was chubby, but I don´t think that Dylan or Eric looked very good. They wouldn´t be my first choice. (in 1999 I saw the black white pics in the tv and thought "crazy, ugly guys.") In the prom pictures and some others she didn´t look like she is chubby, I don´t know. But I think she was not ugly, but so I wasn´t in my teenager time but boys didn´t like me much too.

The prom is one thing i always wonder... you know they danced together, that´s nothing special for a prom. But I remember they holding hands, maybe Dylan wanted to comfort her. And he congratulated her for her blue dress.

I don´t know about Eric and Robyn. I only know that Eric and Devon didn´t get along after a while. So Devon was on his hit list.

I wish we could hear her own story, but of course I understand that would never happend because there are much people who hated her or would be mean to her. If I would be her, I would change my name and hope to forget everything what happend.

you´re very cool is from Eric, I think. But I think Dylan saw her as a friend, nothing else. A friend he can use for his crime. Too bad for her and for all others...

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Do you think Eric and Dylan even like  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Do you think Eric and Dylan even like    Do you think Eric and Dylan even like  Icon_minitimeWed Sep 24, 2014 4:26 am

I think the problem which Dylan had with girls, is that he wasn't in love with the real girls. I think he was in love with his own imagination of what love like has to be. But nobody can be an imagination, and I think nobody wants to be an imagination. If a girl that Dylan like was deviating from the script, his dreams of this girl were all gone and so he turned back and searched for another girl.

But I think another problem is that Dylan had another imagination of his self as people had of him. I think both boys were incapable to reflect themselves.

Especially when it comes to Eric and Robyn I am very unsure of the friendship between them. Eric is described as often be a little sarcastic, I think the you're cool could be meant in a  little sarcastic manner. I often think that Eric didn't really like the people he hang out with, for me it seems more like he only tolerated most of them.

Sorry for bad english.
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Do you think Eric and Dylan even like  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Do you think Eric and Dylan even like    Do you think Eric and Dylan even like  Icon_minitimeWed Sep 24, 2014 6:55 am

Dein Englisch ist gar nicht schlecht Very Happy

About Eric, you confirm my feeling. I have the same feeling about him like you. It seemed like he tolerated people if they could help him to get what he wanted. And if it didn´t work out like he wanted, he got angry.
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Do you think Eric and Dylan even like  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Do you think Eric and Dylan even like    Do you think Eric and Dylan even like  Icon_minitimeWed Sep 24, 2014 11:07 am

Grandma wrote:
If a girl that Dylan like was deviating from the script, his dreams of this girl were all gone and so he turned back and searched for another girl.

Hey man, this topic always interested me more than others. Mind expanding with examples? I didn't see things that way about him BUT I'm notorious for being wrong, so please proceed ;3

em81 wrote:

About Eric, you confirm my feeling. I have the same feeling about him like you. It seemed like he tolerated people if they could help him to get what he wanted. And if it didn´t work out like he wanted, he got angry.

From videos (I know almost all are acting but still) Eric seems very serious and with a mixture of insecurity .

This confuses me. Witnesses and friends give accounts about Eric even fighting, cussing at others, being sarcastic but I don't see ANY hint of it in the videos. Acting or not, he wasn't Anthony Hopkins or anything, especially since he was just a teenager. Stuff like anger could easily leak , even in small amounts, enough to be noticeable in those videos. And I didn't see anything , not even a fraction of what those people claimed in the 11k. Is it all just an exaggeration like Dylans' shyness (that I believe was blown out of proportion as , again, he didn't seem THAT shy at all)?
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Do you think Eric and Dylan even like  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Do you think Eric and Dylan even like    Do you think Eric and Dylan even like  Icon_minitimeThu Sep 25, 2014 7:16 am

Magnaphoria wrote:
Grandma wrote:
If a girl that Dylan like was deviating from the script, his dreams of this girl were all gone and so he turned back and searched for another girl.

Hey man, this topic always interested me more than others. Mind expanding with examples? I didn't see things that way about him BUT I'm notorious for being wrong, so please proceed ;3

em81 wrote:

About Eric, you confirm my feeling. I have the same feeling about him like you. It seemed like he tolerated people if they could help him to get what he wanted. And if it didn´t work out like he wanted, he got angry.

From videos (I know almost all are acting but still) Eric seems very serious and with a mixture of insecurity .

This confuses me. Witnesses and friends give accounts about Eric even fighting, cussing at others, being sarcastic but I don't see ANY hint of it in the videos. Acting or not, he wasn't Anthony Hopkins or anything, especially since he was just a teenager. Stuff like anger could easily leak , even in small amounts, enough to be noticeable in those videos. And I didn't see anything , not even a fraction of what those people claimed in the 11k. Is it all just an exaggeration like Dylans' shyness (that I believe was blown out of proportion as , again, he didn't seem THAT shy at all)?

If i was reading the diaries of both boys I stumbled about the so called NBK, and I asked myself why someone named the plan for a shooting spree after a movie. It's years ago that I watched the movie, so I try to do my best what I can remember. Mallory and Mickey were not only killing people together because they were in love, they kill people because the both of them are only completed with each other. The love between them is not only disturbing, it's so deep that there are no rules in their actions. I assume that we're all know that there are rules for everyone, in every relationship we're in, BUT in the safety of such a love like this two have, everything is allowed. They can do what they want, they are not two induviduals, they are one. Nothing what one of them do chase away the other. Mickey can't live without Mallory and vice versa. I assume that if your partner kills other people, the most of us are willing to leave this partner, depends on the circumstances. But for those two it doesn't matter. Kill people, I love you. Kill more people, I love you more.
You don't go to a shooting spree with someone you did'nt trust, right. And although I thought that Eric and Dylan not were really good friends, I think they were in a deep trust for each other, not for everything but for going to massacre the school.

Dylan writes
...Existence … to understand
Well well … so much changes … (like existence). I understand almost everything now … so close to my love – . The runes have shown it, she has shown it, I have felt it. I know the meaning of each life: to be loved by your love, & to be happy with ones self. Only for the gods though (me, , etc.). the zombies & their society band together & try to destroy what is superior (what they don’t understand & are afraid of. Soon…. either I’ll commit suicide, or I’ll get with & it will be NBK for us. My happiness. Her happiness. NOTHING else matters.....

For my understanding is that Dylan meant with that it will be NBK for us not primarly to kill people, but NBK is that moment ( for him) which is so full of love, trust and understanding each other. It's the Ultimum of love. No rules.

The second thing I want to talk about is that Dylan seperated love from sex. It's always about happiness, halcyon, pureness, awerness of each other, and so on. When I'm right is the only physical thing, he mentioned in relation of love, cuddling. He want to hold his love pure, and soft and bright and full of light and such a stuff. He is ashamed of his porn collection and footfeetish and masturbation, but to be honest, watch porns and liking body parts and masturbation is very, very normal and harmless, not only for teenage boys, unless you didn't force someone into it.
I am shocked that I write this  Shocked

But he couldn't take this part of himself not as normal, what is really difficult in that age and he couldn't take this part of him in his imagination of love.
Love is pure.
Love is not a foot in your mouth.
Love is not only a feeling, it is a condition he want to live in forever.

I think most of us know that nobody is perfect and everyone in this world has little failures and little insecures and so on, and we know that most of us can handle this, and sometimes love this little wrong things our loves has, but I think Dylan was really afraid of conquer those at the girls he was in love with, because he didn't know to handle his own shortcomings.
And if you can handle yourself how could you handle others? He was never willing to leave the safety of distance, what I don't see can't bother me, so he stalked the girl(s) secretly. At the end I think this was it what people meant when they say that he was painfully shy.

There must be a moment when Dylan changed the focus from all embracing love to the killings. And the killings are a big part of the movie, right?
But this is just my little opinion about that and my interpretation of a liitle part of his writings.

The last thing that I want to say is, when we're all honestly as we could be, than we have to admit that we all want a love like Mickey and Mallory have. I didn't mean the violence, my focus is on the feeling of completeness. Someone who loves us without any restrictions, no matter what we do, no matter how bad, mad, evil, disturbing and crazy we are. No rules, no remorse, no defence. Just two people in endless love.

This was long, so I end it for now, I hope I didn't bored you.
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Do you think Eric and Dylan even like  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Do you think Eric and Dylan even like    Do you think Eric and Dylan even like  Icon_minitimeThu Oct 02, 2014 6:57 am

Quote :
For my understanding is that Dylan meant with that it will be NBK for us not primarly to kill people, but NBK is that moment ( for him) which is so full of love, trust and understanding each other. It's the Ultimum of love. No rules.
Yes it's pretty interesting I wonder why he didn't choose the other name for their action if primary he had connected NBK with such different things like love and happiness and this name had a special meaning for him maybe it was influence of Eric whom might have taken a movie in a more direct way and wanted to use this name too.
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Do you think Eric and Dylan even like  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Do you think Eric and Dylan even like    Do you think Eric and Dylan even like  Icon_minitimeSat Dec 06, 2014 4:02 am

Brooks himself said in his book that he didn't like Robyn, but didn't specify why.
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Do you think Eric and Dylan even like  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Do you think Eric and Dylan even like    Do you think Eric and Dylan even like  Icon_minitime

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