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 Dylan & Eric potential self harm thoughts

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PostSubject: Dylan & Eric potential self harm thoughts   Dylan & Eric potential self harm thoughts Icon_minitimeTue Feb 16, 2016 8:09 pm

After doing some research, I noticed that a lot of people had believed that both boys had self harmed prior to the massacre.

Most evidence for Dylans was the phrase: "I was mr Cutter tonight..."
Dylans autopsy showed no real prominant evidence of self harm or cutting, however he could of done it in other ways. I believe that the phrase "Mr Cutter" had no real meaning behind it and that he just meant it as more of a casual term for someone taking (anti)depressants. Much like emo connatates to cutting and vice versa. Also when he mentions slitting his wrists, i dont think it was literal at all

As for Eric, His autopsy showed lacerations and cuts at the top of his left upper arm. I believe this could have been caused by shattering glass ect considering that he also had a broken nose for unkown reasons. I dont believe it was self mutilation, as his goals were to harm other people than himself. Also, there was no mention of self harm in his journal (unlike Dylan)

I just think it would be intresting to hear your opinions on these claims and maybe you guys could elaborate a little more :]

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Dylan & Eric potential self harm thoughts Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dylan & Eric potential self harm thoughts   Dylan & Eric potential self harm thoughts Icon_minitimeThu Feb 18, 2016 7:07 pm

Dylan said he had "eleven depressioners" on his right hand. Other people have stated he had a fascination with knives. I think he cut himself or otherwise harmed himself in a less visible way (pricking himself, maybe?) and it just healed before the autopsy.

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Dylan & Eric potential self harm thoughts Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dylan & Eric potential self harm thoughts   Dylan & Eric potential self harm thoughts Icon_minitimeSat Feb 20, 2016 7:02 pm

Dylan might've just been a shallow cutter. Cutting is a quick release for frustration anyways. The deep cuts you seen are caused by repeated self-mutiliation on the same areas. I know that I wouldn't have scars if I hadn't been so set on creating them - something that I regret today.

I like what you said about Eric though; I think it makes more sense than the claims of him being a cutter as well.
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PostSubject: Re: Dylan & Eric potential self harm thoughts   Dylan & Eric potential self harm thoughts Icon_minitimeSun Feb 21, 2016 5:16 am

ellaapiee wrote:

Dylans autopsy showed no real prominant evidence of self harm

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PostSubject: Re: Dylan & Eric potential self harm thoughts   Dylan & Eric potential self harm thoughts Icon_minitimeSun Feb 21, 2016 12:04 pm

People usually talk about or write about cutting. It is something done in private. Were either of them cutters? No one will ever really know.

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PostSubject: Re: Dylan & Eric potential self harm thoughts   Dylan & Eric potential self harm thoughts Icon_minitime

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